- The Royal Families -

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- Forth is the eldest son of the [2nd Gen] Jamornhum Royal Family

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- Forth is the eldest son of the
[2nd Gen] Jamornhum Royal Family.

- Kit is the eldest son of the
[2nd Gen] Intochar Royal Family.

- Both families rule over Thailand. Jamornhum's in the East; Intochar's in the West.

- There's a section in the center of the country that is neutral territory.
It is where the two families meet to update their treaties twice a year.

- That neutral area has become over-run with royal-antis. They want to destroy both Kingdoms.
They don't see the need for TWO Kings in ONE country.

- Both families don't want that to happen. So they agree to combine into ONE Kingdom.

- War starts before the Royals can announce their plan to combine.

- In the middle of the war' Forth and Kit are chosen to be the ones who combine the families/Kingdoms.
[They have to get married].

- Forth and Kit are against this;
but go along with it for the sake of their country.

- Peace comes in the years after their marriage and Kingdom merge.

Kingdoms - ForthKitWhere stories live. Discover now