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3 years later

.3rd POV.

"Alright. I've called this meeting because someone needs to tell the Kings they need to get married ASAP." Beam said as he sat at the table with Wayo, Ming, Pha, and a few other advisors.

"Why? They've already expressed their dislike for it. On multiple occasions." Pha said.

"Royal Antis are back. They're ready for war if we don't meet their demands. That's one of them." Beam said.

"Since when do we take orders from them?" Ming asked.

Ming and Wayo have formed a strong alliance with Forth-Kit's Kingdom and their own.

"Since they threaten war at any given minute. If we don't do something- they will." Beam said.

Forth and Kit weren't invited to this meeting. Everyone knew the two would say no; provoke the Antis; and then they'd all have even bigger issues.

The two Kings are currently taking Sprinkles for a walk in the garden. Taking a break from work for once. It's been non-stop for the last three years; they deserve a break now and then.

"You alright? You've been quiet the last few weeks." Forth commented; taking the leash from Kit when he handed it over.

"I'm tired." Kit said.

"I'm tired of royal life. It's all I've ever known but I just want a normal life. Something different for once..." Kit said.

Forth couldn't tell if this was a rant- or the start of a break down. But kept silent and held Kit's hand. Just to let him know he was listening.

"I want to- I wish- can we just have Ming and Wayo take over? I don't wanna do this anymore..." Kit was ranting. He likes being in charge; but he doesn't like the royal side of things.

It's complicated- it's all he's ever known. He doesn't know anything other than being a Royal. He was never taught anything 'normal' kids/people learned.

He just wants to be normal for once...

"We could abolish the Kingdom- turn the government into a democracy and let the people chose a president/leaders... It might take a few years to do that though..." Forth said as the two walked Sprinkles back to Pha's room.

"What if- we just disappear? Let Pha and Beam rule and you can I can leave..." Kit mumbled.

"They won't accept it. Pha would rather work at the city hospital 24/7 than be a ruler." Forth said.

"Beam- he could be a great ruler. Just need to control his manipulative behavior." Forth added.

"Can we just-"

"Hey! You two are needed in the meeting room." Pha said as he ran past the Kings trying to chase a stray cat that came in through the window.

"Where'd- I'm not gonna question why that cat likes it here so much." Forth said and Kit laughed as they walked to the meeting room.

"Kit?" Forth asked and looked to the younger.

"Buy me a ring and I'll do it." Kit said and made eye contact with Forth.

"Gold or silver?"

"Black gold. With a ruby."

"Alright. We'll release a statement to the public. By this time next year our Kings will be married!"

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