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6 AM - The Next Morning
Pha has a puppy named Sprinkles

.3rd POV.

Forth was (rudely) woken up by his door opening and a very fluffy animal jumping on to his chest.

"Sprinkles! Get off him!" Someone whisper-yelled and ran over.

"Sorry Prince- she gets excited to meet new people. I'm Pha, Prince Kit's main doctor. Are you packed and ready to leave?" Pha asked and helped Forth get out of bed.

Forth nodded. "Those two bags and my bike stuff."

"Get some rest; I'll bring up more medicine in a couple hours." Pha said as he helped Forth get settled into his (the guest) bedroom.

Forth nodded and almost immediately fell back asleep. Traveling and being sick really takes a lot out of people.

The next time Forth woke up; Kit was sitting beside him in bed, scrolling through Instagram.

"Felling better?" Kit asked and continued scrolling- not even looking at the older.

Forth nodded and turned to face Kit.

"What are you doing?" Forth's voice was pretty much gone at this point.

"You're parents are downstairs yelling at mine- accusing them of kidnapping. Dad's telling them about the merge." Kit said and put his phone down to look at Forth.

Forth sat up terrified- "they'll ruin our plan!"

Kit pushed him back to lay down again. He was in no condition to get out of bed yet.

"They won't. They wanted to know why you came here; Dad said it was because your fiancé wanted to take care of you. They didn't even beileve you were sick. So I may have talked to them- they're pissed to say the least. But they believe it, and that's all that matters." Kit explained.

Forth was about to speak again when there was knocking on the door.

The two looked at each other - unsure of who it could be.

"We've got three options; it's your family and we need to act like a couple. It's Pha and we're fine like this. Or it's all of them and we're screwed." Kit whispered.

Forth just looked lost- the door opened- Kit panicked and laid down cuddling into Forth's chest (pretending to be asleep).
Forth just hugged him and tried to make it look like he just woke up.

"See? They're a couple. Your son is sick- just leave them alone." Pha was the one who opened the door- followed by Forth's parents. Kit's stayed in the hallway.

"I will not allow this!" Queen Jarmornhum was disgusted with the fact that Forth and Kit would "marry" in a few months.

Ignoring her; Pha walked over to Forth's side and checked his fever.

"Feeling any better?" Pha asked as he grabbed Forth's had to check his blood sugar. Making everything was still in a good-level.

Forth nodded. "Still have a headache." His voice sounded terrible still.

Pha nodded and tried not to laugh when Forth winced at the finger-prick.

"Don't be a baby." Pha joked and laughed as Forth pouted.

"You're a doctor. Act like it." King Jarmornhum was rude to Pha.
All Pha did was look at him with his best poker face.

"Don't tell me how to interact with my patients. Once you go to med school and get multiple degrees and a PhD. Then- you can tell me what to do." Pha sassed back. It was impressive how somewhat respectful he was while still being sassy.

The Jarmornhums'  we're quite offended to say the least. They ordered Pha to get away from their son.

Pha just smiled and called King/Queen Intochar into the room.

"Queen, King. Are the Jarmornhums' unaware that they don't have any authority in your Kingdom?" Pha asked.

Queen Intochar held back a laugh.

"May- sweetie. Come with me to the garden. We need to have a girls' chat." Queen Intochar smiled and lead the other Queen out of the room.

"Jarmornhum. Let's talk in my office." King Intochar lead the other Royal out before turning back to the three in the room.

"Pha, thank you for your help. Forth- please stay as long as you'd like. And tell Kit he sucks at pretending to sleep."

Pha and Forth just laughed as Kit chucked a pillow at his Dad's head.

"You refused to let me take acting classes. This is your fault." Kit stuck his tongue out as the King walked out.

Kingdoms - ForthKitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang