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Nearly 1 Year Later

.3rd POV.

"What do you mean they're gone?" Forth asked his head of security.

After nearly a year in hiding; Forth and Kit we're able to return to their Kingdoms as if nothing ever happened.

Except for a small- tiny little issue.

"The Antis have disappeared. Off the radar. Completely gone. The only items missing from the Castle are two laptops and a binder with the merge deatails. Luckily none of the actual merge plans were in there so all they have is am empty binder." Guard (Main) said.

Forth was pissed. "Those laptops have sensitive information. If they have it they can bring us down."

"Forth, they took your personal computers. You're brother's and your mother's. There's no official business on those." Guard said.

Forth shook his head. "They took Kit's laptop as well. If they get in they're going to expose us, the merge, everything."

Forth was angry- but not angry enough to yell. But it was still intimidating - even to the Guard who spent his life training how to deal with people.

"Hey- P' calm down please. Everything will be fine. If they we're going to expose information they would've done it by now." Forth's little brother said.

"Why woul-"

"FORTH JARMORNHUM!" Queen Jarmornhum shouted.

She sounded angry-angry. She scary-angry.

"Do you want to tell me why there are photos of you all of the internet? Naked photos?" His mother asked and shoved her phone into his face with the article.

"Kit, sweetie. Can we talk for a moment?" Queen Intochar asked as she walked into her son's room.

He was in bed, hiding under his blankets. Forth had sent him the article; it really hurt Kit emotionally that those photos and texts had been exposed. None of Kit's photos were released- but it was only a matter of time before they were.

Kit didn't answer his mom. He just shifted under the covers to let her know he was still alive. Unfortunately.

"Kit, I know this is a serious situation. And I know it hurts you alot. But you should consider yourself lucky that it wasn't your photos." Queen said.

Kit couldn't tell if she meant that in a positive way or in a harmful way.

"But Forth's hurt. Forth's photos got exposed. Mine are next." Kit said.

"So what? If they were going to release them they would've done it all together. So stop pouting. You're fine. It's Forth who should be depressed over it. It's embarrassing. How dare he call himself a Prince if he's going to act like that. So careless with his image." Queen said and ripped the blankets off her son.

"Shower. Dress. Come down in 30 minutes. That's an order." She said and then slammed the door shut on her way out.

Ever since the 'war'
(more like mini-take over) his parents have been extremely neglectful and rude towards him.
Kit just wishes he could leave- move out and be as far away from them as possible. They're just mad that he wasn't stuck in the panic room for an entire year like they were.

Kingdoms - ForthKitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang