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Six Months Later

.3rd POV.

"Why is he here? I don't remember scheduling a meeting with the Jarmornhums." King Intochar said as Forth walked into the main meeting room of the Intochar Castle.

"Remember the conversation we had after I got back from the treaty talks?" Kit asked his Father quietly.

The King nodded. "What about it?"

"Forth is here to get away from his family. For his own safety he can't be there anymore." Kit said.

The King nodded. He wasn't sure on all of the details; but he knew things weren't great in the other Kingdom.

"Is he formally asking to join us?" King asked.

"Not exactly- um... So, the Anti-Royal's have made it very clear that they only want ONE Royal family in Thailand... Forth and I have decided to try and combine the two kingdoms into one. We aren't sure how that's going to work considering how horrible his side is- but we're willing to attempt a merge." Kit said.

"A merge?" The King asked.

Kit nodded. "We haven't figured out how to do that yet... But it seems like the only way to make everyone happy."

"You two need to marry. That's the only logical way to merge both of our Kingdoms together." Intochar said as the three of them talked for honestly way too long about how to please both the Antis and the Kingdoms fairly.

Forth and Kit just looked at him like he was insane.

"Uh- no?" Forth really didn't like that idea.

"Father- we barely know each other. I know you mean well but that's never going to work out." Kit said.

"You don't have to officially marry. Think of it as a... What's it called- a stunt! A publicity stunt. Publicly, you'll be married. But privately you'll just be business partners. How else are we going to convince the public we willing merged together? They'll never believe it without some sort of fairytale connection. They'll love it! Who doesn't love fairytails? They won't even question it if we play it right." King said.

The boys nodded understanding- but still not really liking the idea.

"Start spending more time together. Post with each other more online. Get a friendship going- and then slowly start flirting and get some rumors starring- and then BAM! We announce your engagement and Royal wedding. Once your 'married' then we'll announce the merge. It's fool-proof." King said.

Kit and Forth looked at each other.

"I think it could work- my problem will be my family. They won't agree with this. Not at all." Forth said.

Kit agreed. "Dad, if you could get through to them somehow- then I think we could pull this off."

Intochar nodded. "Do you want them in on the plan?"

Forth shook his head. "We'll make them think it's real. Make them beileve it like our people will. If they know it's fake they'll ruin everything and then nothing will ever get solved."

"Alright then. Start being friends, go out places, interact online. Do whatever you can to make them beileve you are friends. This plan will take awhile- but it'll be worth it."

Kingdoms - ForthKitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें