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2 Weeks Later
1 Week Till Coronation/Merge

.3rd POV.

"Nervous?" Ming asked as him, Kit, and Wayo ate lunch in the garden. Sprinkles came along too.

Ming and Wayo flew back out to help with the merge and King coronation.
Both of them are already Kings of their Kingdom- so they know how hard the transition is.

"A bit. But at least things will get done correctly for once. My parents were great rulers- but their ethics and morals weren't. Same with Forth's." Kit said.

"Speaking of him; where is he?" Yo asked.

Kit shurgged. "Working probably,"

"How do you not know where your fiancé is?" Yo asked.

Kit laughed. "We aren't engaged."

"Boyfriend?" Ming asked.

"We aren't anything. Just friends who are flirting a bit." Kit said.

MingYo didn't believe that at all.

"Those tex-"

"Kit. I need your help with something!" Forth yelled from the backdoor of the main-house.

Kit got up; "excuse me for a moment,"

"What's going on?" Kit asked.

"Are you and Prince Forth going to marry next week? The people are getting restless not knowing the status of their future Kings." A Royal advisor a.k.a Beam (much to Kit's objection) asked.

"It's honestly none of their business." Kit said.

Forth agreed- but had something to say.

"If we marry- just for the sake of making them happy; who's to say it's going to work out? I know we've been talking, almost made things official but decided not to... We have to make up out minds now. If we're together and suddenly break up; it puts the whole Kingdom in jeopardy. If we stay together and things get to the point where we want to marry-"

"Forth. Calm down. We don't have to do anything. We can just be friends who rule a Kingdom together. We can keep our relationship private till it's absolutely necessary to announce it." Kit said.

"Actually, you can't. You need to announce your status at the coronation. It's tradition." Beam cut in.

"Fuck tradition. Let's do things our way; and the right way. All they need to know is that there's two Kings in ONE Kingdom. We're co-leaders. That's all they need to know. What we do relationship wise is private until made otherwise." Kit said.

He was firm on that. He didn't see the need for anyone to know their status. It wasn't necessary.

"Kit; can we talk privately?" Forth asked.

Beam took the hint and left. Forth lead Kit to their shared office. Luckily no one was in there, or able to hear them from the outside.
But MingYo could see them from the garden. The window is huge.

"I want to know what's going on in your head. I know we've talk about marriage. You don't like it and I don't really care about it. But are you really against it of our relationship ever came to that point?" Forth asked.

They both sat on the couch and just stared at each others for a few minutes.

"My parents have been 'divorced' for over 15 years. But because they're Royals- divorce wasn't an option. I don't want to get trapped in a relationship I'll never be able to leave... I don't wanna end up like them.. they were rude, and violent with each other. It scared me. It scared all of us when they'd fight. They'd beat each other- mom's been stabbed. Dad's had slight brain damage... I don't want things to ever get that way- and I'm scared that marriage was the main cause. They were forced together, they just wanted to be best friends that ruled together. But that's not how Royalty works. That's why I wanna change it-" Kit couldn't keep talking, he just broke down.

It was the first time Forth had ever seen Kit so.... Fragile. He's never seen the younger so sad and broken before.

All he could do was hug him, pretty much hold him, until he felt better enough to talk it out a bit more.

The day of the Coronation

"Will you two be marrying as well?" A reporter shouted after the ceremony was over; and the two were crowned Kings.

Kit shook his head. "We're just friends. Nothing less; Nothing more. If anything changes we'll let you know."

And that was the end of that discussion...

For now....

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