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.3rd POV.

"She's the leader of the Royal-Antis."

Kit looked at Forth and just laughed.
"Kit may hate us; but she'd NEVER betray us like that."

Forth looked at him dead-serious.
"Kit. I'm serious. You didn't know?"

"I don't believe you babe. I know today is April Fool's; but that's a horrible joke." Kit didn't believe him. Not one bit.

"The Antis have been around since my great-grandparents ruled. There's no way my little sister is the leader." Kit added.

Pha and Beam made Kit sit down at his desk before they continued the conversation.

"Where'd you two come from?" Kit was confused when they entered.

"I told them to come with us. They're the ones who found out and told me." Forth said.

He pulled Kit to stand up, before taking Kit's seat and pulling the smaller on to his lap. It was easier than grabbing his own chair from across the room.

"I'm not trying to call you liars; but I don't believe you." Kit said.

"It's alright. It's a lot to take in. This folder has all of the info you need. Open it when you're ready to." Beam said and then him and Pha left the two Kings alone to discuss things.

Kit refused to open the folder. He didn't want to beileve what they had told him.
Forth held his hand.

"Do you think this is why your parents never said anything?" He asked quietly.

Kit shrugged. "She was never their favorite... They hated her more than they hate me. And they tried to kill me...
I was always told she was disowned. Because she had Ji-ah so young. Mom and Dad didn't want her around- didn't want the public to know... So she left. I haven't seen her since Ji-ah was about 3 months old. I've seen photos- but I haven't spoken to Kit since then..."

"Babe. They tried to kill you!?" Forth didn't know about that.

He knows Kit's family was neglectful- abusive even. But he didn't know they hurt him so badly that he could've died.

"You can talk to the nurses- they have my records. Mom told them to burn them- I know they still have it though." Kit said.

"What did they do to you?" Forth wanted to hear it from Kit. He beileved him; he just wanted to know what happened.

"Just read the records." Kit said.

"Can't you tell me?" Forth asked.

"Just. Read. It." Kit got up and left the room; slamming the door on the way out.

Few days later....

"What's wrong with Kit? He's hasn't left his room in nearly three days-" Pha asked as Forth sat at his desk getting ready for a meeting with the advisors.

"He read the file on his sister..." Forth said.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with him?" Beam asked.

"We- He's mad at me." Forth said.

"What'd you do?" Pha asked.

"Talked." Forth mumbled as he filled out some paperwork.

"Sounds about right. You never do keep your mouth shut when you're supposed to." Ming said- him and Wayo walking into the office, without knocking.

"What did you say?" Wayo asked and sat beside Forth.

"I asked him about his parents.."

"He wouldn't read the file like I told him to. He knows I don't want to talk about it." Kit said and sat at his desk.

"Let's start the meeting. I have things to do today." Kit said and everyone scrambled to their seats as fast as they could.

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