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Two Days Later

.3rd POV.

Forth doesn't remember falling asleep last night with weights on his chest. He can't move at all- has no idea why. He's slowly starting to panic before he feels the weight move off of him.

"Forth- Forth! Wake up,"

Someone was shaking him- but he couldn't move or respond to whoever it was. He couldn't even open his eyes. It was impossible.

"Ming! He won't wake up!"

Forth recognized that voice but he couldn't put a name to it.

It was hard to breathe- his hearing was going in and out, it's like he was underwater. He wasn't sure what was going on.

"rth- Forth! Can you hear me?" Someone asked.

Forth could hear them clearly but he couldn't answer. He was able to move his arm though. At least it felt like he was moving it.

In reality it was Pha checking his pulse and blood sugar.

"He's having trouble breathing- isn't responsive. Ming- can you tell the nurse on the third floor that I'm bringing Forth in? There's not much I'll be able to do without my equipment." Pha said.

Forth was confused- his castle didn't have a medical unit on-site.

Where the hell is he?

"Forth? Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you're able to." Pha asked and held Forth's right hand.

Forth squeezed with his left hand- startling whoever was holding it.

"He squeezed my hand-"

It was Kit! Kit is here!

Forth was happy to know Kit was here- despite whatever the hell was going on with him right now.

"Alright- that's a good sign. Let's go ahead and let him rest a little longer before trying to wake him up again. He's responsive, but still unconscious for the most part." Pha said.

Kit nodded understanding. "I'm gonna stay with him."

Pha nodded. "Call if you need anything."

Kit moved from the chair beside the bed to actually laying beside Forth. Luckily the bed was big enough for him to fit next to the older without moving or squishing him at all.

They aren't dating; not officially at least. But they have been talking, getting closer, ect. They're basically boyfriends without the label.

"At least you're finally getting some sleep. You never seem to stop working." Kit mumbled and laid his head on Forth's chest.

Forth didn't answer, but he did wrap his arms around Kit in a hug. Kit just smiled and hugged him tighter before falling asleep.

"Kit," Forth whispered trying to wake Kit up.

"Baby- wake up," Forth said and kissed Kit's forehead.

Kit just whined and buried his face in the older's neck- trying to hide and sleep more.

"Kit, I need you to move so I can run some tests on Forth." Pha said and put his hand on Kit's shoulder.

Kit pouted; but got up and moved back to the chair beside the bed.

"Your room's different than I remember it." Forth commented as Kit unlocked his bedroom door and let the older in.

"I took my parents room. They're no longer going to live here." Kit said.

Forth was confused. "What's going on?"

"They're moving to our house by the beach. They didn't give me an explanation or anything. Just packed up and told me they were leaving." Kit said and fell dramatically on the bed.

Forth just looked at him.

"Don't worry- I bought a new bed. It'd be weird to sleep in theirs." Kit said.

"Kit- I don't care about the bed. I care about what you just said. You're parents have abandoned the Kingdom?" Forth asked.

Kit shurgged. "I guess so? They didn't say anything. Their assistants and staff aren't saying anything. I really don't know what's going on."

"Well- we might as well merge the two together then. Assuming you're in charge now." Forth said.

"Are you sure? I know we've been planning for awhile- but are we ready for that? And do we still have to marry?" Kit asked.

"I think- if we wait any longer- something's going to happen. I'd rather merge and deal with the Antis at once than stay sperate and deal with them multiple times." Forth said.

"As for marriage- I'm ok with it if you are. I don't think it's necessary to combine, but if you think it is I'll do it." Forth added.

"I don't want to. I just want to combine the Kingdoms. Whatever you and I are can stay private. Well- as private as it can. The Antis still have our texts and photos..." Kit said.

Forth nodded. "When you're ready; I'm ready. You have all of the power baby."


"You didn't mention anything about marriage- did you?" Forth asked.

Kit shook his head. "I think they're assuming because of the texts. To be fair- just going off of those, it would make sense for them to assume we're engaged- or together in some way."

"Well- they aren't wrong." Forth laughed as Kit laid his head on his lap.

"They aren't. But they aren't right either." Kit smiled and played with Forth's rings on his hand.

AN: they aren't boyfriends/engaged etc .
They're just flirty/unofficially together

Also- wtf is going on with Kit's parents? They just up and left out of nowhere....

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