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3 Weeks Later

.3rd POV.

"They're threatening war. We've got to accelerate the merge plan. Are you two ok with that?" King Intochar asked as him and Kit talked during dinner. Forth wasn't there but Kit will call him soon.

"I'm fine with it. I'll talk with Forth in the morning. He said he wasn't feeling well." Kit said.

"You guys seem to be getting close." Queen Intochar commented.

Kit nodded as he ate. "Considering I don't have any other friends- yeah we're pretty close."

"What happened to that bean-pole kid?" King asked.

"Ming? He lives in Japan now. I haven't spoken to him since middle school. Last I heard he was married to the Prince there; Wayo." Kit said.

"What about that cute garden guy?" Queen asked.

"My ex? Beam?" Kit asked.

"Yeah! He was adorable. What happened to him?" Queen asked.

Kit set his spoon down and drank some water.

"Permission to speak freely?" Kit asked. That was his way of asking to cuss. His Mother HATES when people curse around her; so King and Kit always ask before they say anything.

His mom nodded; dad too.

"He cheated on me with a bitch from Forth's Kingdom." Kit was still pissed about that.

"Are you speaking ill about a woman?" His mom asked; she was ready to lecture her son- again.

Kit shook his head. "It was a man. No matter the circumstance; I'd never speak about a woman like that. You taught me better. Men on the other hand? Fuck them- they suck." Kit said and went back to eating his dinner.

His parents just looked at him concerned.

"Do you want to elaborate on that?" His mom asked.

Kit shook his head. "Eventually- maybe. I don't know."

They nodded and dropped the conversation for the rest of the night. They'd come back to it another time.

"How you feeling?" Kit asked as he answered Forth's Skype call.

"Horrible. But better than earlier." Forth said and he honestly looked terrible.

"Take some meds. What's up?" Kit asked. Forth usually doesn't call unless it's important. He'd rather text or send random memes and photos throughout the day.

"I'm stressed with the war talks. General says Antis are hitting my Kingdom first before going to yours. We'll be the first hit. There's talks of assassination plans. There's a list.
I'm not on it- but everyone else is... I'm scared. Why would they take everyone but me?" Forth didn't know who else to talk to about this other than Kit. He didn't even know if he was making sense at this point. He was just saying what he knew about the situation.

"Politics. Honestly they'd spare you to get to us possibly? Or use you to negotiate with the rest of your family- I don't know P'. I haven't had to deal with something like that before. I don't think any of us have." Kit wanted to help but he didn't know what to do.

"Dad's talking about moving the merge up. With war seemingly approaching; he thinks it may slow it down. We can't avoid it- but maybe this would lessen it." Kit added.

Forth nodded and coughed a bit.

"I'm fine with it. Let me get better first."

"Have you gotten any medicine? It's been a couple hours and you look worse than you did earlier." Kit was worried. He didn't want Forth to suffer with this horrible cold.

Forth shook his head.

"I've tried calling the Castle doctor but he's not answering- I called for a maid- no answer. It's like my phone doesn't work in here or something." Forth said.

"Well, you can call me. So that's not the problem. Does it ring when you call? Or immediately drop?" Kit asked.

"It drops. Won't even go through. I don't know what's going on." Forth said.

"Can you move at all? Or is the headache too bad still?"

"I can't move. Everything hurts." Forth mumbled as he went into another coughing fit.

Kit stayed silent for a minute. Thinking about what to do- and just observing Forth and his condition. Well, as best as he could through the phone camera.

"I'm sending someone over to come get you. You're coming to my kingdom. And I won't hesitate to make that an order. I know your parents will try and stop you." Kit said.

Forth just hummed in agreement. He could barley keep his eyes open.

"I'm in the basement- that's where my bedroom is. North side- my bike is parked outside the door to get in. Not hard to find." Forth mumbled.

Kit nodded. "Try to get some sleep. Phana should be there in the morning. He'll be quiet so he doesn't trigger security for you."

"Thank you-" Forth smiled.

AN: omg I've missed writing so much!! This book is gonna be long- but I hope you guys will enjoy it!! I have so many ideas 😄💜💜

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