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.3rd POV.

Things have changed drastically in the last three weeks. The Royal-Antis have changed plans.

Instead of infiltrating the Kingdoms to get rid of the Kings and Queens; they are now going after the Princes/Princess.

Specifically Forth and Kit. They're both next in line for their thrones; and since they're also suspected of being a couple- they're a threat to the Antis agenda.

The Antis are also homophobic- so they really don't like Forth and Kit.

*Warning alarms blaring {Forth's Kingdom}*

"They're here! Get the Royals out of here!" The guards yell and start running around the kingdom to gather all of the Royals into the most secure room in the castle.

King, Queen, and their two youngest kids were immediately rushed into the panic Room- Guards ran around the entire property but were unable to find Forth before the gates/security system were turned on fully....

"WHERE IS MY SON!?" King Jarmornhum yelled as another Guard came in to inform the main Guard that Forth was missing.

"We have it under control. He's in another safe-room. Just stay here and help your family." Guard (Main) said and went back to typing very quickly on his phone.

He was panicking internally- he didn't know where the Prince was. He doesn't even know if he's in the Castle at all.

"Kit? Can you hear me?" Forth asked as soon as Kit answered the phone.

"Yeah. What's going on? You sound like you ran a marathon." Kit asked.

"Antis are in the castle. I don't know what's going on- or where anyone is. But there's a lot of yelling- and gun shots-"

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Kit yelled. He was worried Forth was in danger.

"I'm just outside my territory- our spot in the middle." Forth said.

"How do you know there's Antis there if you aren't there?" Kit was confused.

"I have access to all of the cameras in and around the Castle. I'm watching it on my laptop. That's why I called you. They'll probably come to you guys next." Forth said.

"Thanks for the warn- shit...." Kit was cut off by his own security alarm going off.

"Kit? Everything ok?" Forth asked. He could hear the alarm too.

"I- Antis are here!" Kit whisper yelled.

"Get to a safe Room- now! They're probably just as armed as the ones here." Forth was worried now.

"I wish I could- I don't think I can make it into the room-" kit sounded like he was running now.

"Kit- where are you?" Forth asked - he didn't want to overreact- One of them needed to stay calm.

"I'm in the garden- I was taking Sprinkles for a walk." Kit said- Forth could hear the puppy barking.

"Where's Pha?" Forth asked. Hearing that Kit had the puppy meant that Pha wasn't in the Castle either.

"He's in your territory- he has family in the city. Antis only care about us and our families. The city would actually be a safer place to hide in right now." Kit said. He sounded better now- he stopped running.

"Where are you now?" Forth asked.

"I'm in my car. I'm coming to the middle." Kit said.

"Kit- they'll follow you! Just get into a safe room." Forth was very tempted to call Kit stupid now.

"I can't! They're in the castle. There's no safe way for me to get in. It's either I leave now or hide and wait for them to find me." Kit said.

Forth sighed. "Just be careful. Make sure no one follows you. Stay on the call."

"I will. Don't worry. You sound scared." Kit pointed out.

"It's not everyday an attack happens without warning. Of course I'm scared." Forth said.


It's been four days since the attack on both Kingdoms. Forth and Kit haven't been able to get in contact with anyone, Jarmornhums' security cameras were all destroyed- so Forth has no insight into what's going on there.

They got Pha into their 'secret hideout'. As well as (Japan's) Prince Wayo and his husband Ming. And Kit's ex, Beam, who came with Pha. Apparently they've been dating for a few months....

Wayo and Ming were on their way to visit the Intochar's for trade talks when Kit called and told them to come to the middle instead. (After explaining the possible war they're about to be in).

Pha heard Antis in the city talking about the break-ins so he immediately called Kit to find out where he was.
(He was mainly worried about Sprinkles though). So that's how him and Beam ended up joining the four Royals.

"Any luck getting into the system? Or is that broken with the cameras?" Wayo asked as Forth tried for the millionth time to get back into the security system.

"It's busted- they've gone through and destroyed them all. There's nothing I'm able to do. And I don't want to text my siblings- because if they've been found, they'll be able to track my phone off theirs and then we're all screwed." Forth said.

He was stressed over all of this. Not knowing what was happening- worried about his family (even if they are horrible people). Etc.

"Could I give it a try? Give it another set of eyes." Ming asked.

Forth nodded and handed the laptop over. "You can try"

"Forth- go get some rest. When's the last time you slept?" Pha asked.

Forth looked like a zombie- "I don't know- I'm fine P'."

"You're not- you're gonna drop any second now." Pha said.

"I'm fi-"

"Forth, please get some sleep. You're no help to us if you're dead from no sleep." Kit said.

Forth just nodded. But maid no move to get up from where he was.

"Sleep in your room; not on the couch." Kit said and grabbed Forth's hand to drag him to his room.

Forth didn't even fight it; just followed silently.

"I know you're stressed and scared. I am too, but it's gonna be fine." Kit said.

Forth nodded. Kit smiled sadly and went to join the others but Forth grabbed his hand before he left.

Forth didn't say anything- just held Kit's hand. Kit looked at him confused.


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