[Mature] Chapter 3: The Line between Elite and Defective

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Chapter 3: The line between Elite and Defective


"Good morning everyone. Firstly, I would like to say you all have been doing a good job in your curriculum. The results I have been seeing have impressed me immensely and I could never be more proud of you all."

Nearly 4 years later, the 4th generation students had found themselves back in the Grand Hall where they first heard news that they were starting their curriculum. Like that previous time, the alarm had gone off at 7am to wake them up and inform them that they were needed in the Grand Hall.

And just like that previous time, Professor Ayanokouji was present to give a speech to the 4th generation students. He stood at the centre of attention with two of the caretakers surrounding his sides.

In the middle of the pack of 4th generation students, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka stood watching his father with a gaze that was colder than the depths of Antarctica. The students around him could feel that gaze in the atmosphere and that made them really uncomfortable even if they really hated him.

"It is unfortunate that we lost 10 of you during the past 4 years, but the rest of you have managed to do well for yourselves. I am genuinely impressed with your results."

Kiyotaka could easily see the lie in his father's words. While Professor Ayanokouji said it was "unfortunate" to have lost 10 out of the 60 4th generation students, he never meant it genuinely. It was just an act of words to convince the generation that he "understands the concern and sympathises". The reality of the matter was that Professor Ayanokouji couldn't care about it at all as he would just label those deceased students as "failures".

And in all honesty, Kiyotaka had to agree with his father on that note even if he disliked the idea of agreeing with that man.

"Now, I'm going to keep this announcement as short as possible so that you all can have your breakfast and prepare for today's activities. Basically, we are changing the curriculum for everyone in this room."

Every student in the White Room knew that they shouldn't talk back to the Professor until he gave them permission. The 4th generation was no exception. However, in this situation, due to their surprise overtaking them, the students began talking.

"Eh? Curriculum change?"

"I just started to get good running times in athletics!"

"Come on. I still need to do better on the exams!"

Most of the students conveyed their confusion and complaints out loud, forgetting that they weren't allowed to do so yet. Kiyotaka kept silent as he kept staring ahead at his father and the caretakers on the sides. He noticed that his father was wearing what appeared to be a small smirk that unnerved him for some reason.

Before the students complaining could escalate further, the caretakers clapped their hands loudly and shouted at them to pay attention since the Professor had more to say.

"As I was saying, we will be changing your curriculum. You will have new activities that you will partake in alongside some of the older ones. This will be important to make sure that you all are fit for society."

Professor Ayanokouji paused for a moment before continuing. Kiyotaka noted that what was about to come out of his father's mouth would probably be the reason why he felt weird over the smirk he noticed.

"Even though you'll mostly have the same curriculum activities as well as new ones, you will have to face more difficult activities. This difficulty will really test what you have been able to do so far, and I am hoping that a lot of you succeed following your great success in the current curriculum. Now, have your breakfast and after that, follow the caretakers who will take you to a different room where you will begin your first new curriculum activity."

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