Chapter 6 - Finale: Meta Knightmare

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(The episode begins in the sky looking upon the Halberd. A fleet of Koopa Troop airships follow behind it. We cut to the main control area as Meta Knight mains the wheel. We cut to the door out of the control room as Axe Knight (Kirby) opens the door.)

Axe Knight: A visitor for you, Meta Knight.

Meta Knight: Bring them in.

Axe Knight: Yessir. (Axe Knight beckons to someone out of sight. Bowser Jr. then walks in and approaches Meta Knight.)

Bowser Jr.: (To Meta Knight.) You're the one my papa told me about.

Meta Knight: You are King Bowser's son, I presume?

Bowser Jr.: That's right. He's my papa. He's taking down some bullies right now.

Meta Knight: Yes, right.

(We cut to a distant shot of the Halberd. We see Sparkster flying with his jetpack looking down upon it.)

Sparkster: Wow, a whole fleet. Wonder what that's for. Maybe I should take a closer look. (Sparkster starts flying towards the Halberd.)

(We cut back to Meta Knight and Bowser Jr. as Axe Knight busts into the room.)

Axe Knight: Meta Knight, we have word of a strange creature flying towards the Halberd. Could spell trouble.

Meta Knight: Keep a close eye on it. If it gets too close, we attack.

Axe Knight: Yes, Meta Knight. (Axe Knight leaves.)

(We cut to Sparkster flying close to the Halberd.)

Sparkster: What kinda ship is this? (We cut to the cannon on the Halberd with Mace Knight (Kirby) standing by.)

Mace Knight: Fire! (A cannonball is shot out. It flies towards Sparkster who narrowly flies underneath it.)

Sparkster: Woah! (More cannonballs are shot out as Sparkster weaves through them and lands on the deck.) Something tells me I'm not welcome here.

???: You'd be correct. (The voice comes from Meta Knight who flies down to meet Sparkster. Trident Knight (Kirby) and Javelin Knight (Kirby) come up to his sides.) You are interfering with the army of Master Mind led by me, leader of the Meta Knights.

Sparkster: Well, I'm a member of the Rocket Knights, so I recommend you tell me exactly what's going on. (Sparkster takes out his sword and readies it.)

Meta Knight: You're ambitious, I'll give you that. (Meta Knight covers himself with his cape and disappears. He reappears behind Sparkster and flings him away with his sword. Sparkster rolls and pops back up into the air with his jetpack.) You're still no match for me. (Meta Knight's cape transforms into bat wings and he flies into the air. He glides towards Sparkster. Their blades clash in midair as they trade blows. Meta Knight slashes Sparkster across the chest which blows him back. Sparkster strikes back by blasting fire at Meta Knight which sends him to the ground with the other Meta Knights. He lands powerfully on his feet in a battle pose.)

Trident Knight: Meta Knight, we'll help you thrash this guy!

Meta Knight: (Putting up his hand.) No! It needs to be a fair fight. That is how the Meta Knights fight.

Trident Knight: Yes, Meta Knight. (Meta Knight flies towards Sparkster and spins into a tornado which takes Sparkster in and spits him out onto the Halberd deck. Meta Knight drops down and slashes at Sparkster, who parries with his own sword. Sparkster pushes Meta Knight back. Sparkster pushes himself forward with his jetpack and takes a swing at Meta Knight. Meta Knight dodges and Sparkster flies into the air.)

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