6 Reasons why

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Yeah no, I am never doing a review ever again...

And no, this isn't about a potential spin-off of the show "13 Reasons why"...

It's where I list 6 reasons why I don't like stelena...

But Violet, why 6?

Because I just love to be random as fuck :)

Stupid title, I know. Just bear with me

Okay then: Stelena

Number 1: Cliché 2.0.

Yeah that's right. It's Cliché. As fuck. I'm talking about their first meet. The one where they bump into each other when Elena came out of the men's bathroom and then stare at each other, not knowing where to go. And then they just move around while the other blocks the way while they stare into each others eyeballs and start falling in love...

Like, seriously?? That was so damn overused she might as well as just bumped in on him with a stack full of papers and crooked glasses in a library for them to stare at each other when the paper turns into butterflies and gracefully land on the ground. All while the librarian is god-knows-where and the people at the library debate on whether or not they should file a case for noise violation...


Number two: Violet's first law.

This basically means that my first law of opposite attraction is not applied here. They have too damn much in common they might as well be the same person.

They also have this unhealthy need to be the perfect couple. They gave each other zero challenges and honestly, their relationship was going nowhere. Damon on the other hand, was the exact opposite of Elena. So they both helped each other. Like a lot. Elena by making Damon reform and Damon by helping Elena through vampirism and shit.

Also I'm listening to music right now and the slowed, 8d version of lovely and daddy issues is making my head vibrate...

Number three: Elena pleaser:

Now the thing about Stefan is the fact that he's always trying to satisfy and respect elena because he thinks that that's what Elena wants. He's always 'respecting her opinions' which, as we all saw, got her killed and the thing is that he didn't know (I think) that Elena and vampire blood. So to him, she could have literally died for ever and he still saved Matt because that's what she asked him too.

Also he literally couldnt have released both their seat belts off and had them swim of like a bunch of mermaids??

Number four: creepiness:

Say what you want about delena being toxic but don't forget that stelena was too. Starting with him stalking her. Now I know a lot of you agree it's creepy as fuck but then there are some people who think it's romantic. And for those people, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YALL???

That was downright creepy.  I don't even know what to say. The fact that he was "hiding in the shadows" and staring at her like a madman is more that enough to let you know that he's messed up.

Love? Nah bitch it's called obsession.

Number five: toxicity:

An amazing example that depicts the toxicity that goes under the covers of this perfect couple is the fact that Stefan never accepted Elena for who she was.

When she turned into a vampire he's like "you have to drink animal blood" and shit. It was clear as contact lens that she had to drink human blood but Nooo. My man here had to protect Human blood even if it meant sacrifice bunny-kind.

Sometimes he reminds me of those guardian angels sent down from heaven to protect people. Except here instead of people it's bloodbags. And he sucks at his job...

Anyways, then when the cure was introduced he was all like "I'm gonna get it for you Elena, so you can be human". Bitch do you think we are blind?? You make it so obivious it's for your own benefit. He wants the cure so that Elena will be human and all, but then he thinks that if she's human she'll come back to him. 

Even after Elena herself said that she didn't necessarily want the cure when they found out there was only one serving, he was still hell-bent on getting it for her.

And Elena said so herself that she always felt like a project when she's with Stefan and with Damon she's free.

But that doesn't mean anything right....?

Number six: Tension and the love:

Let's be real, No matter what you say about delena, Elena always felt more safe around Damon and he was always there for her. Who did Elena go to When she realised she couldn't drink animal blood? Damon. And who helped her when Stefano abandoned her to drink some girl? Damon again.

If Elena loved or trused Stefan like that, she would have gone to him first. But like I said, he was too soft with her and did not know what to do...

Same with the tension, they had way better kissing and sex scenes. Whereas stelena, they lacked passion. The miss mystic falls dance practice where they danced together, it's like any regular dance where they were just like a bunch of middle schoolers.

But delena had tension. In the air. They way they looked at each other, the way the danced, it's enough to make you scream...

That's 6 reasons. Of course I hate them for more that that but it's Like, the main reasons...

Lemme know if y'all have any ideas on what to do next...

Until next time ツ



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