CrackHeads #1

77 12 207

(Five words: What.The.Fuck.Is.This??)

(Bear with me here)

(In the unlikely event that I do create a...serious book, Please refrain from using this chapter as a way to judge my writing skills because I swear I don't usually write like this)

The Euphoric Wig ~ A Rapunzel Story Retold || TVD x Tangled crossover


Lily Collins as Rapunzel

Matt Davis as Prince charming

Holland Roden as Mother Gothel

No one's POV:

So once upon a time there was a child. Miss girl was kidnapped by a crazy ass witch and she was obsessed with her hair. Because her hair was really magical and shit and it makes hoes look young.

But then that child, her name is rapunzel and she went bald one day. And then she got a blonde wig and she wore it because she knows her mother gonna get mad as fuck if she saw it.

So she used that wig but then one day that wig fell down and then the mother saw it and she got mad as fuck and licked her out.

Like, literally licked her out.

So Yah, now she is in the dessert and she bald and that was the prologue or sum ig idk.

Rapunzel's POV:

So my mother licked me out of the house or tower and now I'm in the dessert.

And now I'm singing.

My throat hurts cuz im singing

LOOK thre is a prince charming here he is going too me. imma sing

i bark like an elephant

that hoe is coming here. ew he so ugly. but he is rich

so imma kiss him and he kiss me

and i get his munny and i run and i buy a blue wig and wig is glowy

Mother Gothel's POV:

i look at the miror and say dam im so seksy and the meror brackes and say 'bitch u so dam disgustin imma thro up" and dis hoe threv up on ma pretty ass dress

i say 'i need to get da dam girl back or imma die of old people

then i find my magicmap and i see rapansl and her blue ass wig and it glowy as fuck

so i think she grow her hare and die it blu so imma find her

No One's POV:

so this hoe thinks her doctor got her hair back and died it blue

but then she didnt get the hare back, she has magic hair wig and it makes bitches horny except mam gothel dont know that shit. so now she gonna go to the kind gum so she can get that hoe bak

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