Chapter 12: Lost in each other's eyes

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After an entire afternoon of shopping, they were all tired. As they walked past an ice cream cafe, Jeongwoo slowed down and looked inside the cafe. His actions caught the attention of Chaeyoung, who was holding his hand and felt a tug as he slowed down. Jaehyun was holding all the shopping bags they have bought.

"Eomma, can I have ice cream?" Jeongwoo asked happily, his cheeky eyes alternating between Chaeyoung and Jaehyun, as though asking Jaehyun for help to persuade Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung can't help but to smile at Jeongwoo's reaction. Chaeyoung has noticed a change in Jeongwoo ever since Jaehyun came into his life, he smiled a lot more and was more bubbly in making requests.

Jaehyun had also noticed a change in Jeongwoo's attitude towards him. After that afternoon of spoiling Jeongwoo with toys, Jeongwoo also opened up and trusted Jaehyun more.

"One scoop only, ok?" Chaeyoung's smile disappeared as she put up a stricter front in front of Jeongwoo.

"Yay!" The father and son duo cheered and ran into the ice cream cafe and looked for a table at a cosy corner. Chaeyoung could only smile and shook her head at this sight.

"Jaehyun, you have some ice cream at the corner of your lips." Chaeyoung pointed towards the corner of his lips.

Jaehyun tried wiping it off but he missed the stain repeatedly. Perhaps because Chaeyoung had mum instincts, where she is used to wiping Jeongwoo's stains off his face with her bare fingers, she leaned forward as she stretched out her hand to wipe the stain off Jaehyun's lips with her bare fingers too.

Jaehyun was slightly taken aback by her actions. He felt his heart skipping a beat as Chaeyoung's fingers touched his lips.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" Chaeyoung asked innocently when she realized Jaehyun staring at her. She didn't know she had stirred up a bee's hornet his heart.

"Ah, nothing. Just that your fingers are now dirty, let me wipe it for you." Jaehyun grabbed Chaeyoung's hand with his left hand and took a tissue with his right hand, before wiping Chaeyoung's fingers clean. With that, he stirred up Chaeyoung's feelings like how she did to him just a minute ago. Jaehyun seemed to realize it and he looked up to realize Chaeyoung looking at him. Just like that, the two of them were lost in each other's eyes for god knows how long.

"Appa, Eomma, why are you looking at each other?" Jeongwoo asked as he took the ice cream spoon out of his mouth, causing his parents to turn their gazes away immediately. Jaehyun cleared his throat from the awkward air around him.

"Nothing.. are you done? Shall we go off?" Chaeyoung composed herself and replied Jeongwoo.

"Yes! Let's go home and open all the toys appa bought!" Jeongwoo stood up and hold Chaeyoung's hand. Jaehyun and Chaeyoung also stood up as they stole glances at each other. When Jaehyun saw Chaeyoung looking at him, he gave her a small smile, as though reassuring her that their feelings are mutual. Chaeyoung then returned a shy smile before turning away almost immediately as she got dragged out of the cafe by Jeongwoo. Luckily, Jaehyun managed to catch the shy smile right before she turned away. 

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