Chapter 19: I will resign

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When Chaeyoung reached the hospital, the director of the hospital called for her.

"Chaeyoung ah, the army troops will be going to a mission in the United States and we are recommending you to join them. The mission will last at least a year." The director spoke.

"One year in United States? Sorry, I can't take it up. I have a son to take care of so I would choose to stay here." Chaeyoung replied politely.

The director sighed and looked at Chaeyoung apologetically, "Chaeyoung, actually it's an order from the higher ups in the military base. If you can't go for the mission, I might not be able to let you stay in the hospital also."

Chaeyoung knew in an instance what the director was talking about. Naeun's father would have exerted pressure on the hospital to send Chaeyoung away after they knew that Chaeyoung and Jaehyun are married.

"It's okay, director. I will not make things difficult for you. I will resign."

"Chaeyoung ah, you are a very good doctor and I do not wish to see you go too."

Chaeyoung has already made up her mind. She would not leave Jeongwoo behind. And most importantly, she doesn't wish to leave Jaehyun behind too.

By that evening, Chaeyoung had already tendered her resignation and submitted her resume to other hospitals in Seoul.

Since she had a lot of experience in the A&E department in the military hospital, she was accepted by Seoul Hospital a few days later and had started work immediately.

At Seoul Hospital

Jennie and Taeyoung were having lunch at the cafeteria when they spotted a familiar figure. Although they are not exactly very close to Chaeyoung, they had seen her once before over a dinner back with the Jung family. And perhaps because they are all in the healthcare sector, they could hit it off pretty well. Jennie also spoke a lot over dinner to her to make her feel welcomed.

They waved to Chaeyoung and got Chaeyoung to sit with them over the lunch.

"So you mean you just joined Seoul Hospital as an A&E doctor?" Jennie asked excitedly. She happened to be one of the nurses in that department whereas Taeyoung is a doctor in the neurology department.

"Yeah.." Chaeyoung gave a small smile.

"Why did you join us all of a sudden?" Taeyoung asked as he recalled that over their previous dinner together, Chaeyoung did not express interest in switching hospital.

"Uh.. let's just say... I offended someone I shouldn't." Chaeyoung replied nonchalantly.

"Who was it though? So serious till they had to dismiss a doctor from A&E?" Jennie asked as she leaned forward, curiosity all over her face.

"Hmm.." Chaeyoung looked down at her fingers, contemplating whether to come clean with them, then raised her head again and said, "Just some higher ups in the military base." She then gave a small smile to Jennie and Taeyoung to assure them that she's alright. It's not that she doesn't trust them, but she didn't wish to blow up the matter. She also decided not to pursue the matter since she had found a job, in fact one with better prospects than if she were to stay in the military hospital.

However, Taeyoung was sharp enough to see through Chaeyoung's hesitation in telling them the truth. Especially when he knew why his younger brother had to transfer military base, he could guess that this should be Naeun's doing again.

The rest of the lunch went on well. Jennie and Chaeyoung got close very quickly as Jennie was sharing with Chaeyoung how the A&E department works, hoping to help her adjust better. 

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