Chapter 1

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The once shadowy appearance of the ancient assembly chamber had changed. The yellow orb on the crescent-shaped table no longer created sinister silhouettes of furniture and magi due to overhead globes that brightened the room. The extra illumination made the sacred space seem abnormal.

The decorative chairs where the Four sat shrouded in hooded robes held only three occupants. Their leader, Roe, sat at the center, with Oliver Pueater to his right and Verde, second in command, to his left.

The mythical Four and their supplicants were history's most feared group in the witch's realm. Legend stated that four witches, known for their magical abilities and pursuit of power, ruled the ominous group in a quest to conquer the magical world. The governing body of the witch Discipline, the Circle, led with an iron fist. But the Four's infamous reputation was far more frightening.

The previous leader, Arabella Pueater, had come closest to achieving the group's ultimate goal. Her meticulous planning to capture and enslave the human magus, Victor, almost came to fruition. But misfortune befell the malevolent head in the form of a human tween with a baseball.

Odus Blackwatch was next in line for membership in the Four. The elderly man seemed almost saintly with his gentle demeanor and hair white as snow. He made no protest when Roe decided the fourth chair would remain empty. Odus would sit behind the others in a plain stone chair until he 'earned his place.' The Four refused to honor him with the sacred '4' branded on his skin—concluding a witch more interested in the scientific side of magic was useless.

Odus vowed they'd pay dearly for the humiliation. His retribution had already begun.

The Four and their remaining supplicants gathered in the sacred chamber to discuss waning membership and the group's future direction. But, Oliver Pueater, half-brother of the disgraced Arabella, had raised such a ruckus that they accomplished nothing.

The deep-voiced man threw back the hood of his cloak revealing coal-colored eyes and long black hair. He banged his fist on the table as spittle flew from distorted lips. "I demand payment from those who brought about Arabella's downfall! Per our mandate, only blood will appease the insult." He hissed and pointed to two men in the small crowd of attendees. "These servants of Arabella must die for their failure to capture the One Magi."

Several in the crowd cheered, an uncommon occurrence in the chamber of the Four. But the two men, once nicknamed Beef and Brawn by the human magus, appeared upset by the accusations.

"We captured him but were sent away!" cried the tallest, Silvan. He nudged his companion to corroborate his telling. "We bear no blame, Oliver."

The other, Solan, nodded in agreement. "The genie remained with the master. We weren't there!"

Oliver rose out of his chair, shouting obscenities. "Lies! They must die!" A dagger appeared in his hand as he prepared to leap over the table. "The mongrel genie will pay, but you'll die first."

The cloaked Verde raised a hand laced with power, and Oliver froze in place. "The Four haven't used that obscure mandate in centuries. How did you come across it?" she asked.

"Does it matter?" he shouted. "It's the law!"

Odus smirked. The old scrolls hadn't been easy to find and plant where Oliver would find them.

"Arabella is done and good riddance. And you're delaying the meeting with your antics." The woman's voice was high and shrill as she jabbed a finger toward the silent Odus, speaking as if he wasn't there. "Had she succeeded, we wouldn't be stuck with him."

All knew Arabella would have killed Odus to stop his ascent.

Oliver bellowed in outrage. "The Four requires vengeance! Let... me... go."

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