Chapter 19

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The weather marched steadily toward winter, the temperature trending from cool to a definite nip in the air. Still, Victor preferred the outside as opposed to the stuffiness of the school. Although plagued with discerning dreams, a befuddling mystery, and a principal bent on making his life miserable, he favored suffering in silence. He had to remain strong for his family—but the façade of strength had begun to crack.

Sometimes Victor wondered if he was going mad.

Giving his mother the information Kristy had nicked from GenTrak had eased his mind. Lovedae had cried in his arms for doubting Craig. And true to her word, she'd taken several of the professor's journals to read. They'd sat up late several nights sharing a pot of tea and reminiscing about days gone by. It warmed Victor's heart that he'd restored her faith in her beloved husband.

Asking Kristy to the dance on his own accord changed their relationship. After accepting his invitation, the two became inseparable. He'd taken to heading to her house after her dance lessons, laying his weary head on her lap to catnap as the worried genie stroked his hair. The genie calmed and soothed him. With her, life had mellowed a bit.

But that ended a couple of days before Thanksgiving break.

"You don't look so hot," said Nick as they sat outside. The weather was cool but not unbearably cold. "You should go home."

Victor shrugged. He'd had nightmares the last three nights. His brain drifted in a fog, making it difficult to concentrate.

"English, why don't you like using magic?" Nick settled himself on the wooden bench attached to the picnic table. "If it were me, I'd use it for everything, including wiping my butt."

"Thanks for putting the visual in my head, mate."

Nick grinned.

"It makes me feel less human." A drowsy Victor ran a shaky hand through his shaggy cap of curls, and his body shook from the occasional tremor. "Papa raised me to use my wits and intellect."

Nick stewed on his answer. "But it'd make life easier. And maybe improve your game with the ladies."

"Aye. Still, it's cheating... wait, you think I'm gameless?"

"Darling Victor! There you are!"

Both turned to see Gabby strolling up behind them. She'd made her way to the picnic table where Nick and Victor waited for Kristy and Tammy. The stylish blond looked fresh out of the salon, and her expensive leather coat seemed out of place in the dingy schoolyard.

"Victor, I heard you're going to ask me to attend the Festival events with you!" Gabby reached the table. "We'll need to coordinate outfits. I've got a photographer and a videographer coming to both. They agreed in exchange for exposure on my Instagram."

"Idiots," muttered Nick.

Gabby ignored him, her focus on Victor. "Wait until you see my dress." She gave him a saucy grin.

Victor shook his head, confused. "I never said that. Besides, I already have a date." Just saying the words made him feel a tad giddy.

But Gabby waved the news off as if it were a meddlesome fly. "I'll find Pinky someone else."

Victor swallowed his annoyance. To his surprise, the column of magic, which had sat almost dormant for the last few weeks, began churning. "I'm sorry, Carys, but I'm taking Kristy."

"It's Gabby!" She stamped her foot and scowled. "Change your plans. You're the perfect escort for my vision!"

Nick, who had watched the girl's meltdown with amusement, stood abruptly. Victor turned from the fuming Gabby to gaze at his friend. He saw Nick watching the returning girls, Tammy skipping ahead of the genie—and Maddox King had caught up with Kristy. Suddenly, he knew who had put Gabby up to the shenanigans. 

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