Chapter 13

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They hadn't walked five steps before Rosetta's piping voice asked, "Vic, where's the bathroom?"

Frowning, Victor turned to the child. "Poppet, didn't you go before we left?"

"I just wanted to know, just in case." The child tugged at her pajama top. "But never mind since you're so grumpy."

They walked another five steps before Victor stopped again and glared at Jason, who dragged a laden pillowcase behind him. "You brought your Halloween candy? Really?"

"Fine, I'll carry it." Jason slung the candy-filled pillowcase over his shoulder. "Didn't want Rosetta stealing any of mine 'cause she lost hers."

"If you'd left it at home, how could she steal it if she's here with us?"

The boy rubbed his freckled nose. "Yeah, didn't think that through."

Victor had woken with Rosetta snoring next to him. The little girl had a habit of sneaking into his bed when scared or upset. He'd peeked over to see Jason in his own bed, his candy horde sharing the pillow. He vaguely remembered muttering to his mum before Nick helped him upstairs. Kristy had mentioned something too, but Victor couldn't recall as he'd been so groggy.

The blazing column of magic had quieted. Looking inward, Victor had examined it from top to bottom. A fracture existed—the jagged line easy to see. Nothing seemed to be escaping, which gave him a bit of relief. Did magic leak? Something to ask Kristy in the morning.

Another nap was the ticket. As he had snuggled down to sleep, praying for no nightmares, the sensation of fear swept over his body. His magical column had brightened, power flooding his senses. He'd sat up, wondering what on earth—Then he knew. Kristy was in trouble. Victor had felt the genie's growing fear and knew he'd better investigate. Tired as he was, he'd slid out of bed, hoping to sneak off without the Duo noticing.

No such luck. The two had woken when he reached the bedroom door and proceeded to stick to him like flypaper. Victor had steadily refused to bring them but gave in when the Duo almost woke Lovedae with their continuous whining and begging.

Sighing, Victor continued down the aisle as the magical column inside him swirled. He stopped before reaching the front, staring in disbelief at the magi seated in the auditorium. More than half of them, genies and a sprinkling of witches, had risen to their feet and bowed as he passed. Some called his name, while others shouted, "One Magi!" with reverence on their lips.

Victor faced the adoring crowd with something close to embarrassment. He knew it wasn't him they honored. It was the power he carried. 

"No, you mustn't bow to me." He shook his head as he gazed around the expansive room. "I don't deserve that type of honor."

The fae in attendance were a different lot altogether. They hooped and hollered at Victor like old drinking buddies at the neighborhood bar.

The crowd finally took their seats, and the Grants continued their march to Kristy's side. Rosetta slipped her hand in the genie's, giving the older girl a toothy grin while Jason stared around the room in awe.

"Vic, why are you here?" muttered Kristy, her voice emitting relief.

"You needed me." Victor paused to wave at the fae leader, who jumped up and down on the table to the annoyance of the other council members. "I told you I'd be there to catch you if you fall."

"Trust falls, eh?" Kristy touched his arm. "Thanks."

Victor smiled before turning to the dais. His face grew serious as he addressed the table. "Sorry to pop in like this, but I need to corroborate Kristy's testimony. Her story is the truth."

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