16- Eat first

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"Wow! She looks so pretty in this dress right?" Arin asked munching her Choco bars.

"Yeah. Just like you." Jisoo replied with a wink that made arin shy.

They bought tons of snacks and toys before driving home and we're currently watching Cinderella.

All of them were sitting in the bed infront of the tv.

Arin on the middle of tae and jisoo.

Jisoo was looking at the animated movie eating her popcorn when she heard a yawn beside her.

She moved her gaze at taehyung who had his eyes full of tears indicating his sleep. He wanted to sleep so bad.

"Sleepy much?" Jisoo asked. He hummed.

"Why don't you sleep then?" She asked creasing her brows.

"Time will fly faster if I sleep....I want to be with her." He said looking at Arin who was too occupied by the movie to notice those two talking behind her.

However, what taehyung said melted jisoo's heart. Never in a million years she thought taehyung would be like this.

Never in a million years she thought someone would love other's child as their own.

Even if she did, she never expected that person to be Mr Kim.

Her heart seemed to fluctuate every time she learns new things about him.

It was few days since she controlled her heart for it to only increases in a drastic way than before.

She smiled thinking what he would do if someday he will have his own child. Their own chil-

"Don't tell me this is the ending already." Arin whined.

They looked at the tv and noticed that the movie was soon going to be ended.

"I want to re watch it." Arin said grabbing the remote from the bed side.
She rewind the movie back starting it from the very beginning.

"Where is my pizza?" The toddler searched for her packed pizza in some sides she left moment ago.

"I kept it at the fridge." Tae answered to his daughter.

"But whyyy? I saved it for last dad." She pouted being all cute.

"Enough junk for today Arin. You already had the burgers, fries, pasta and Choco bars. It's already a lot." He reminded her all the fast foods she had. If she eats more, she might get sick.

"But I am still hungry." She dramatically fell back onto the bed covering her face with her hands."What if I became super thin due to less nourishment dad?"

Jisoo who was listening to all the bickerings let out a laugh. "I will make something for you. You don't need to worry about that."

Saying this, she stood up from the bed. "I will be downstairs." She informed and walked out of the door.

Once she was gone, they both shared a common look. "Turn off the tv Arin. We will also go down to help her okay?"

"Okaaay!" She turned the tv off and jumped off the bed into her father's arms giggling.

"Dad is getting better at cooking." Arin complemented sitting on a table beside the kitchen counter.

"I know right. I am myself surprised." He smiled turning the other side of the chicken to let it get cooked.

"Stew is done." Jisoo said plating the stew in a plate. She had garnished the food with some coriander that made it look more delicious.

"It smells so good." Arin said sniffing the food. "I want to eat it already."

"Sure. I will just make some salads." She said grabbing the veggies from the refrigerator.

"Chicken is done too." Tae said happily with a big smile tugged on his face... Being proud that it is made by him.

He put the stew, chicken, rice and juice on the dinning table. The table looked so elegant today. No takeaways or anything. Everything made at home which was very rare in this house.

Tae was taking out a bottle of cold water with a smile on his face for a unknown reason when he heard a 'sheeh' that made him frowned.

"What happened?" He asked jisoo approaching her.

"Ahh nothing. The tomato stained my shirt." She said showing him the red stain of the tomato.

"You should have wear a apron. Wait let me help you." He put the bottle on the counter and opened the lower drawer taking out a apron.

He then walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her petite waist. She flinched at first but when both of their eyes met........they lost it.

Memories came flashing through her mind when she recalled them being this close at his office. A sudden wave of heat passed into her face when she felt him near her.

Slowly by slowly, both of their breathing went heavier. They didn't want to pull away even a bit. It was like a invisible string knitting them close to each other.

Both of them seemed to know what was going to happen and both of them seemed to let that happen.

Naturally, taehyung's hands roamed through her waist ever so softly.

Faces inches close to each other as they wait for the moment.

Jisoo closed her eyes as taehyung was slightly pressing his body onto her. He did not forget to pull her close trapping her between both of his hands.

Their nose touched each others waiting for their lips to do the same when-


A vase fell on the floor making both of them startled. They both backed away and saw Arin closing her ears with her hands standing near the fallen vase.

"Where were you going arin?" Tae asked his daughter.

"Umm I left my toys in the room dad...I was just going to get them back." She said controlling her from saying the truth that she just wanted to give them space.

But shit! She messed up everything! She hung a fowl expression on her face.

"Eat first."

I literally searched links to watch snowdrop for almost an hour. And once I got one, it was already end since it was live. I HATE THIS!

Congrats to all those who got to watch the first episode.

Take care and always be healthy! Love yah.


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