19- Take care

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Taehyung blew few times before tapping the ointment in her cheeks. He took another cotton and dipped it in the medicine.

He took her left hand and gently tapped the cotton pad into her cuts.

A Yelp was heard from Arin as the burning sensation took over. He blowed again and applied the medicine carefully as to not hurt her more.

Despite of Arin being finally secured in his arms, he could stop the fire raging in his eyes. They were still dark and dangerous as that of a furious wild animal.

His jaw was clenched so hard that all of his sharp face features were on display. He was applying the ointment on her arms when a sudden tone of phone's ringing disturbed him.

He pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw the caller id. 'Miss kim.'

He tossed the phone around and resumed tapping the medicine. It was silent for a moment when his phone started ringing again.

He sighed and held his phone. It was again 'Miss Kim' .

He swiped the green caller and answered the phone. "Yes?"

A loud exhale was heard from the other side. "Mr Kim? Where are you? There is an emergency in the office. You need to come right now."

"I can't." He simply answered.

"What?" Jisoo became stunned by the answer by him. It's damn important and he needs to arrive at the office as soon as possible. "But Mr Kim, Mr Alec is here. He was saying something like we betrayed him in the contract. He wants to pull out his investment. Please come fast."

"Arghhh! Can't you even handle him?! For God sake I am busy right now!" He snapped at her. Even Arin was startled with it.

A sudden silent was there until she spoke again. "...I did as best as I could sir. I even showed him all our financial activities with him." She tried her best to speak without stuttering which was a hard job.

"Then what?! What else is bugging him!"

"Sir...he  is bringing back about the deal he made with you in the Portugal....I wasn't there at the moment that's why he is asking you for your presence." She calmly said though her heart was hammering against her chest.

"That psycopath! I knew he was gonna bring up some trouble." He cursed under his breath.

He exhaled roughly before going back to the call. "I am coming in few minutes. Keep that bastard there till I come." He hung up the call with out waiting for her to answer.

He then looked at his daughter sitting obediently. "Arin? I have some urgent work to cover up in the office. So we will go there for the day okay?" He asked rather softly.  His tone completely changed than before.

Arin didn't say anything and just nodded. Taehyung slowly kissed her forehead and stood up from the floor carrying Arin into his arms.

He cautiously draped his arms onto her back to prevent the ointment from messing up. He grabbed his car keys from the table where he had left them earlier. Starting the engine, he drive off the building once he called 'home'.

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