Chapter Two

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The game ended as quickly as it began. Although Maxy Max scored, so did The Hoff, and the Panthers won 3-1.

"That game really made me feel some typa way," Tank meowed.

Selena had nothing to say to that, so she wordlessly led Tank through the fan concourse and onto an elevator. She pressed the button for AR, and the two descended.

"Hey, um, when we get down there, I gotta take a shit, okay?" Tank mumbled as the elevator went down. Behind him, a couple glanced at each other in amusement.

Selena sighed, "Fine. And keep your voice down when you say that."

The doors opened and Tank leapt off, sprinting away, so fast that his pink bucket hat nearly fell off.

Selena shook her head, smiling, and made her way to the Panthers' dressing room. She stood outside the door, leaning against the wall as she waited.

Finally, The Hoff walked out. "Hey!" He greeted, giving her a warm hug.

"Great goal," Selena smiled, stepping back. "We just have to wait for Tank, he's diarrheal."

The Hoff bit his lip to keep from laughing but nodded. "Okay."

As it turns out, Tank was diarrheal, but he was not in the bathroom (thank you, adult diapers)! Instead, he was standing outside the Golden Knights' dressing room. Waiting for Maxy Max.

After what felt like hours, the man himself stepped out. Unlike the rest of his teammates, he had opted not to shower, so he smelled utterly disgusting.

Tank loved it.

Maxy Max didn't seem to notice him, as he continued walking. Not knowing how to stop him, Tank grabbed his arm.

"Wait! Sir— Maxy Max!"

Maxy Max turned to stare at him. He ripped his arm from Tank's grip. "Do I know you?"

Tank felt his heart crush with Maxy Max's sharp words. "N-no, but you could..."

His words seemed to have no effect, as Maxy Max scoffed and walked away. God his ass was so clenched and tight.

Tank sighed in defeat, holding back tears as he made his way back to Selena and The Hoff.

"Hey, there he is!" Selena smiled, waving to Tank.

"Hi buddy, did you get that diarrhea all taken care of?" The Hoff smiled, bending down slightly to be at Tank's height. He always seemed to treat Tank like he was retawded or something.

"Yeah, duh, I'm wearing my diaper," Tank grumbled unhappily.

Selena frowned. Something was clearly off with Tank. I'll wait until we get home to ask, she told herself.

While The Hoff got into his own car, Selena and Tank got into the Range Rover and drove back home.

It should be noted that I just remembered Tank drank an entire pitcher of pure vodka and not only is that a lot of alcohol, but it was his first time ever having alcohol of any kind. He was completely sober.

The three all arrived home at the same time and bundled inside.

When The Hoff went to his closet to change for bed, Selena pulled Tank aside.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. She wouldn't take no for an answer. "Did you forget to change your diaper and get a rash?"

"Yes," Tank sighed. "But that's not it. Um, I didn't go to the bathroom, I went to the visitors' dressing room."

Selena groaned, "Tank, why? You can't just do that!"

"Yeah, well it doesn't matter anyway! I found Maxy Max and he completely rejected me!"

"Because you are a complete stranger and seemed like a stalker," Selena explained softly, feeling sympathetic. "That's not how you approach people."

"Doesn't matter, I'll never see him again."

The two said their goodnights and parted ways for the night, going to their rooms.

Things would never be the same.

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