Chapter Twelve

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True to his words, Maxy Max directed the bus out of the endless sand dunes and onto a bumpy road.

"Thank god," Gibby groaned, his face turning green.

The bus had been bumping along for some time, and Tank didn't have his adult diapers, which led to a stinky situation.

"Which way now?" Thomas asked, glancing back at Maxy Max.

He shrugged. "I don't know where we are."

With an exasperated sigh, Thomas slammed on the breaks and got out of the driver's seat. "I'm not gonna keep on driving blindly until we run out of gas."

Big mistake, bucko.

Tank scrambled to his feet and hopped into the driver's seat, flooring the gas and sending everyone into the back of their seats.

Thomas, who was standing, was sent flying to the back of the bus, where he landed with a thud.

"Tank!" Selena snapped, rushing to help Thomas up. He had a cut on his chin but was otherwise unscathed.

"Slow down!" Theodore yelled, while Marianne tried to wrestle Tank out of the driver's seat.

Eventually the group relented and let Tank drive on chaotically.

After about twenty minutes, the bus arrived in a small deserted-looking town.

"Let's stop here for the night, at least," Thomas suggested.

Surprisingly, Tank complied and pulled the bus to a stop behind one of the buildings.

The group bundled out of the bus and into the building, with Selena and Marianne supporting The Hoff inside. They lowered him to the ground so he could rest his back against the wall and gave him some water.

"Where are we?" he asked blearily, his eyes barely open.

"Hell. Your worst nightmare. A devil's prison," Tank told him.

Marianne swatted Tank away while Selena sat down beside The Hoff. "We're gonna rest here for the night before we continue on."

Meanwhile, Maxy Max, Theodore, Gibby, and Thomas were setting up camp. They spread out their bedrolls and made some light.

"Nice, comfy," Maxy Max beamed. He then plopped himself down on his bedroll and immediately fell asleep, even though it was only like 6pm.

Gibby sighed and shuffled his feet. "I guess someone should stand guard. I can do it right now."

Thomas nodded approvingly, "Thanks, Gibby."

Grabbing his gun, Gibby made his way out the door to keep watch.

"Can I help you at all?" Selena asked The Hoff softly.

Much to her dismay, he didn't respond. In fact, he barely moved. His eyelids fluttered for a moment but remained closed.

A whistle came from nearby, and Selena turned to see Tank standing beside her.

"Wheeew," Tank chuckled. "He's dead."

Nearby, Maxy Max's head snapped up with wide eyes. "Mitch dead? No!"

Selena shook her head hurriedly. "No, no! He's alive, he's just resting!"

Everyone looked to where The Hoff sat slumped against the wall, before sliding down to the floor with a dull thud.

Marianne let out a gasp and everyone hurried over, watching as Thomas pressed his finger to The Hoff's neck. He looked up at Selena with watery eyes. "I think it's time to say goodbye."

Selena let out a sob and fell to her knees beside The Hoff, whose eyes slowly opened.

"Nevermind guys, he's fine!" Tank smiled, pointing to The Hoff's now-open eyes.

Marianne shot Tank a warning glare and his smile disappeared.

"Mitch..." Selena murmured, cupping his cheek in her hand.

Tank followed suit, cupping his hand on The Hoff's cheek. Butt cheek.

Marianne let out a huff, "Will someone get him out of here?" She swatted Tank's hand off The Hoff's butt.

"No... no. I want him here... h-he's my friend," The Hoff said weakly. His breathing was laboured, and it sounded like it hurt for him to speak.

Tank smiled and sat down cross-legged beside The Hoff.

"Please hold on," Selena said softly, and The Hoff grabbed her hand in his.

"I have as long as I could, but I think my time's up." He smiled weakly at everyone.

Selena let out a disgusting sounding sob and everyone cringed.

"Take good care of her," The Hoff said.

Tank smiled and nodded, "Of course I will."

The Hoff frowned and shook his head, "God no, not you. Move."

With a nod Tank shuffled to the side to let Thomas sadly meet The Hoff's gaze.

"Take good care of her," The Hoff repeated, letting out a hoarse, choked cough.

Thomas knelt down beside Selena and nodded. "I will," he promised softly.

Marianne began to sob crazily and ran out of the room, to who knows where.

"Mitch," Maxy Max wailed, collapsing beside his old friend. "We Ottawa friends."

The Hoff nodded and smiled, "Some of the best years of my life. I think this was the worst."

Maxy Max managed a laugh.

"I don't get it? That wasn't funny," Tank said.

Selena felt The Hoff's grip on her hand beginning to loosen, and she realized it was time.

"I'll miss you," she told him.

The Hoff frowned. "I know. I love you."

His hand fell from Selena's onto the ground, and the light in his eyes seemed to disappear.

Mitch Hoffenmayer was dead.

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