Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Thomas, Selena, and Marianne ran gleefully out of the ISIS base, laughing and smiling widely, while Lionblaze followed.

"We actually did it!" Selena gasped. "We defeated ISIS!"

Marianne laughed. "And Gibby will be okay. Maybe things will all work out!"

"Selena," Thomas said, glancing sideways at her as he ran. "Maybe I'm high on adrenaline, but I think I wanna marry you."

"We'll discuss that later," she responded.

There in the distance, the bus was growing closer. Before the group could celebrate any further, a rumbling sounded behind them.

They skidded to a halt and turned to see a giant ball of flames burst through the base, followed by a bang louder than anything they had ever heard before.

A shockwave blew into them, knocking them to the ground, and it started raining dust. Regaining their senses, the group opened their eyes to see a decimated pile of rubble where the base had once stood. It was gone.

"No..." Selena murmured. "No!"

Marianne was on her hands and knees wailing, sobbing Gibby's name, and Thomas had his head in his hands.

"No!" came a screech. It was barely audible over the ringing in their ears, but the three turned to see Maxy Max running toward them, his face contorted in sobs. "Tank! Where Tank?"

Thomas grabbed Maxy Max and pulled him in tight. "He went back to save Gibby and Theodore. He was a hero."

"I got help," Maxy Max whimpered. "But I too late."

At that same moment, rumbling sounded from above as a dozen helicopters swarmed overhead. They were U.S. helicopters.

Soldiers rappelled down and ran toward the destroyed base.

"Please!" Marianne cried out to them. "Find Gibby, Theodore, and Tank! They're still in there!"

One helicopter descended to the ground and landed nearby. From it stepped none other than the general.

"Well done, soldiers," he told them, devoid of emotion. "I'm sorry for your losses, but that's how war is. I knew we could count on you to take down ISIS."

The four stared at him with a mix of sadness and pride. Lionblaze hissed and began attacking his leg, before Marianne scooped him up.

"Thank you," Selena choked out, fighting back tears.

"We will not forget your actions. You will be remembered as heroes, as will your fallen friends," the general finally smiled. "Come, let's get you to a hospital."

He beckoned the four with his arm and stepped into the helicopter.

As the aircraft lifted off the ground, it contained a somber mood.

They had won but lost so much.

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