Chapter Nine

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While things were going well for Marianne and Tank, they were going decidedly not well for Selena, The Hoff, and Thomas.

When the plane had crashed, the three came to pretty quickly. Unfortunately for them, they came to face to face with an ISIS soldier.

Before they could react, they were cuffed and forced along at gunpoint.

This was quite difficult, for the following reasons:

The Hoff had an infected bullet wound in his shoulderThomas's ankle was all but brokenSelena had a very bad cut on her temple (hence the blood trail Marianne and Tank found)They believed Marianne, Maxy Max and Tank were all deadTheir plane had just crashed, duh

Let me know if you need any more reasons.

After about ten minutes of walking, two things became apparent. First, that the town was abandoned. And two, that they were likely being led to their deaths.

Since The Hoff was delirious and in pain, and Thomas could barely walk, Selena took matters into her own hands.

As she was closest to the terrorist, she hurriedly kicked his gun out of his hands. As he lunged to grab it, she wrapped her cuffed wrists around his neck, effectively strangling him.

Once she was sure he was dead, she quickly searched him until she found the key to their cuffs and unlocked her and the two boys.

"Wow," Thomas gasped, his face wincing in pain from his ankle.

"Yeah, well, we're the only ones left, we can't afford to die," Selena told him, surprisingly sad.

"Might be down to two, soon," The Hoff muttered, lowering himself to the ground.

Both Selena and Thomas rushed over, helping him to his feet.

"Don't say that," Selena frowned.

Thomas nodded, "You got to stay up, buddy. C'mon, we'll go somewhere more sheltered."

And so, the three made their way to the nearest building, with Selena supporting The Hoff while Thomas limped after them.

Once inside, they lowered The Hoff to where he could lean against the wall, where he sat with closed eyes and ragged breathing.

Selena watched worriedly, only now aware of how lightheaded she felt.

"Here," Thomas told her, seeming to notice. He sat down beside her and took off his shirt— and holy shit. He has got some fucking washboard abs.

Allow me to elaborate. If Tank had been there, he would have pounced on Thomas and started licking and licking and licking those abs until he had licked them raw.

Selena blushed and looked away as Thomas wrapped the shirt around her head, covering her gash.

"Thanks," she breathed, flicking her gaze to where The Hoff sat, unconscious.

Thomas followed her gaze and sighed. "He'll be okay."

Much to his surprise, Selena burst out crying, burying her face in her hands.

"Um," Thomas had zero experience with crying women, especially not in circumstances as dire as this. "What—"

Selena cut him off with a sob, "He's dying. And there's nothing we can do."

The two looked towards The Hoff, worried he'd overheard, but he was out cold. This only made Selena cry harder.

"Do you love him?" Thomas asked.

"I— what? Yes? We're dating." Selena answered, furrowing her brow. "Why?"

Thomas nodded, looking down, "I'm sorry. I guess I got the wrong idea from you."

The Hoff was now awake, but this was juicy gossip he wanted to hear, so his eyes remained closed.

Selena shook her head, "No, you didn't. But I do love Mitch, and I need to be there for him. I don't have time to consider my feelings."

Thomas nodded and got to his feet, "I'll keep watch for a bit. You can get some rest."

Selena smiled gratefully at him and scooted over to sit with The Hoff, unaware he had heard everything.


Selena was woken with a start when she heard harsh yelling from nearby. Quickly looking around, she saw The Hoff was awake beside her, though he was sweaty and seemed only half-aware of his surroundings.

In front of them, Thomas was glancing out the window in confusion. Suddenly, a bright light pointed directly on his face, and the shouting grew louder.

Thomas ducked down with a sharp gasp, "They found the body! Quick, Mitch, can you stand?"

Selena felt her blood run cold and every muscle in her body tense (even her asscheeks).

"I... can try," The Hoff managed, struggling to push himself to his feet. His arms shook and gave out from under him, sending him back to the ground with a cry of pain.

Selena stood and grabbed his arm, but before she could do anything three armed men burst into the room, shouting things at them.

Thomas stood in front of Selena and The Hoff, with his hands in the air.

The men threw him to the ground and cuffed him. They then turned to The Hoff and threw him too, causing him to yell in pain.

"No!" Selena cried, lunging forward. Instead, she was met with the force of a gun hitting her in the head, knocking her out.

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