Chapter Fifteen

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The news of possible salvation improved the mood on the bus immensely.

Tank farted tenfold, Marianne and Diamond Daisy seemed to be sitting much closer together, and the group at the back were joking around in good humour.

After another two hours of driving, buildings began dotting the landscape. The bumpy gravel road slowly became a paved, albeit equally bumpy, road.

"I can't believe this," Theodore muttered. "How the hell does he know his way around Syria?"

"Why haven't we asked him about the shrine? Selena added.

Everyone looked to the front where Maxy Max was driving happily, tapping his foot along to the music he was playing. Unfortunately, it was his right foot and it kept hitting the gas pedal, causing the bus to jerk forward and backward.

"Look! Up ahead!" Tank suddenly screeched from at the front of the bus.

The group turned to see a large city approaching.

"Where are we?" Thomas wondered aloud.

Maxy Max smiled proudly from his seat. "Damascus."

All idiots, nobody knew where or what that was.

The streets were bustling with people, and the group's large bus received funny looks as it drove by. Everyone felt greatly comforted by the familiarity of storefronts and non-terrorist humans.

"Where are we going?" Marianne asked Maxy Max. She received no response.

Instead, Maxy Max drove the bus to a stop in front of a massive white building. A giant pool was in the front, and palm trees lined the patios.

"Woah. It's like a palace!" Tank screeched. "Is it?"

Selena shook her head and pointed to the top corner of the building. "Look."

Sheraton, read the sign.

"How will we afford this? We don't have money," Thomas pointed out.

With a sigh, Tank stood. "Alright guys, this is where I come in." He unzipped his uniform and began to strip out of it, before everyone protested and stopped him.

"Woah there, I have money," Theodore exclaimed. "I'm rich. Also, the conversion rate is great."

The group cheered and hurried off the bus, into the hotel.

At first, there were some difficult language barriers in the process of getting the rooms. Then Maxy Max once again shone through.

"Buddy, for the last time, English," Theodore begged. "I haven't spoken a single other language, what don't you get."

The receptionist stared blankly at Theodore for a moment, before shouting, "Ana last ahmaq!"

With a chuckle, Maxy Max pushed Theodore aside. Except to do this he cupped his cheek (of butt) and squeezed, which made Theodore let out a shout and jump away.

"Min fadlik tajahul sadiqi alhbyb. Nud arbe ghuraf muzdawijatan min fadlik." He told the receptionist.

Tank let out a loud moan.

"Wait, what," Selena said.

Marianne shit herself.

Thomas put his head in his hands.

Gibby looked more terrified than ever before.

Theodore rubbed his buttcheek tenderly.

Diamond Daisy stared in awe.

The receptionist smiled and handed them four room keys, which Thomas hurriedly grabbed and walked away. Theodore paid and the group hurried after him.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked Maxy Max when the group reconvened.

"What?" Maxy Max echoed.

"Dude!" Selena let out a stunned laugh. "You spoke Arabic!"

"Yes," Maxy Max nodded, not seeing the issue.

"So, you know Arabic, you know your way around Syria, and ISIS has a shrine for you?" Gibby said. "You don't see the issue there?"

Maxy Max nodded. "Okay. Yes."

"Why?" Theodore shouted, growing impatient.

"I know why, maybe," Maxy Max continued nodding. "I learn Arabic on Internet. On chatroom, nice people. They love me. I think chatroom just ISIS recruitment."

Marianne's eyes widened, and Tank gasped. "Really? And they're nice? Can I talk to them?"

Gibby quickly pulled Tank aside to explain to him why that was such a bad idea.

"Okay... so what you're saying is you unknowingly got recruited by ISIS when you were trying to learn Arabic?" Thomas asked, trying to keep up.

Maxy Max nodded once more.

"Um. Why didn't you explain that earlier?" Selena asked. She pointed to a small pimple on her chin. "Look how stressed this has made me!"

Diamond Daisy rolled her eyes. That ugly bitch had acne for dayz.

Maxy Max laughed. "I piece it together just now."

Thomas nodded slowly, "Okay. Yeah, this is fucked. I think we all need a break from each other, so let's go to our rooms and rest. Selena, you're with me. The rest of you... just figure it out."

In the end, the rooming situation was as follows:

Tank and Maxy MaxSelena and ThomasMarianne and Diamond DaisyGibby and Theodore

Ideal for some, not for others. You figure out who.

Now it is time for a special segment... a little treat, if you will. The night that followed the events that just occurred was a very special and formative night for everyone in the squadron. To show how in great detail, the following four chapters will focus on each of the four pairs. Enjoy! 

Smol Womenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें