~19~ (unedited)

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Hello Dreamers, I've missed you all. I know I'm really bad at updating hopefully you guys are still here reading this. If you are you're pretty cool. Anyways to the story.



Have you ever wondered how things would go if you changed one little thing, for example you were going to tell the guy you've had a major crush on him since forever but you chicken out and he will never know that you like him. Worst part is that you were so prepared, with the perfect outfit, perfect makeup and hair. Then you don't have the courage to tell them. That is a low blow right to the gut. You can't change that and then you realize if you had told him he probably wouldn't be dating that other girl. You've lost your chance now what can you do. The answer is not much, it's painful to admit and to hear but it's true there's not much you can do.


I awoke in my own bed this morning, it was quite a relief knowing that I was home in my own place. I sat up to the aches of the two hectic nights. I look around my room and find Layla passed out sleeping on the window bench with Luke. They both look so wiped out. It's seemed like a good nights rest for them.

"Layla?" I say my voice coarse.

She slowly wakes up and looks around the room. "Hey Kat," she says smiling tiredly and gets up walking to my bed and lays next to me on the soft mattress.

"Are you ok?" I ask looking at her.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Yeah Kat, I'm fine."

We are both very exhausted and just look at the celling, both of us silent enjoying the moments that we had and are having. Still there are so many things I can't wrap my mind around, like the fact that Layla and Luke were in a gang and are in one right now? How did I not know this, am I that unaware of what has been going on in my best friend of so many years that it was never mentioned or hinted. I really do think I should be paying more attention to what is going with the people that I know.

"How could keep this from me for so long?" I ask still thinking and processing.

"It was easy, I just didn't mention it." She said trying to make a joke of the situation.

"I'm being serious Layla, you knew you could tell me anything. We told each other everything, heck I told you everything all you ever really mentioned was who you liked and your parents." I said my eyes burning threatening to spill.

She was quiet for a few moments. "It was something you didn't need to know, it was for your own safety."

"Layla, I could have helped, I'm not weak." I said sitting up on the mattress letting a few tears escape my face. I seem to be crying a lot more lately, I really hate it, because it makes me look weak and that is something I do not want to be labeled as.

"I know Kat, but I dont want you to be mixed up in all this," She said, I can tell she is sorry by the way her voice quavers. To be honest I've never seen her cry, except when here ex broke her heart but that was years ago and I haven't seen her cry since. I look over at her to see her biting her bottom lip and her eyes are red from trying to not cry. I quickly give my best friend a hug and tell her everything will be okay.

The bed dips even more by Layla and my feet, I turn my head to look and see Luke sitting at the edge of the bed. He looks exhausted, his hair is all over the place and his facial features are lazy, he looks at me and gives me a boyish smile. I smile and let go of Layla.

"Hey," She says wiping her eyes.

"Hey, how are you guys doing?" Luke asked us.

"Fine," I said loking at my hands.

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