~20~ (unedited)

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I looked at Luke in surprise, to be honest I hoped it would just be one of his friend calling to see what he was up to, buy it wasn't. The screen showed the same number as the letter.

"Well what are you waiting for, answer it!" Luke said handing me the phone. I took the phone from his hand and hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I said.

"Katrina?" The person on the other line said.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"I'm your mom Katrina, whoops sorry I never gave you my name, its Katherine." She said. This can't honestly be real, my dad had died on a business trip selling whatever he sold but before that my mother disappeared without even telling me, of course I was way to young to realize she was my mother so it made no difference really.

"Are you really my mother?" I asked the words hurt as I spoke them physically and emotionally neither one hurting more than the other but equally the same.

I heard a sighing on the other line. "Why don't we get together some time this week, I am available to you any time, if it day or night I will be there for whenever you want to meet me." She said, her intentions seemed honest but I just met her and I don't exactly believe this right now. "Katrina I want to meet you, you are my daughter just let me try too make things right and get to know you."

"Where are you right now?" I ask. Fuck whatever I just said about not wanting to meet her, I need to get to know her she may have been gone most of my life but she's trying to reach out to me and even if it is just a whole scam then at least I would then know that my mother is actually gone and not trying to gain any contact with me what so ever.

"I live in George town, Nevada" She said with no hesitation.

That is all the way out of state not to mention on the complete opposite side from where I live in California. "I'll start driving over there tomorrow, I guess I will call you once I get there." I said.

"Oh my goodness! Really? You are willing to meet me! Thank you so much and yes call me, like I said I'm always going to be here for you!" She exclaimed, I bet she was probably jumping around happily.

"For sure, I'll see you when I do. Bye," I said smiling slightly.

"Goodbye Katrina," She said then we both hung up the phone.

"I take it the phone call went well?" Luke said smiling at me, I had totally forgot that he was there the entire time, maybe he could come with me to go see my mom.

"Yeah it was actually" I said "And I was wondering if you could go with me to go see her?" I asked.

He laughed, "Of course I will join you."


I woke up silently not wanting to wake up Lucy and the minions, I had packed a bag earlier in the day hiding it in my closet. I'm actually very nervous to meet my mother. Well who wouldn't when they are about to meet a parent they never knew existed. I had my bag all packed and ready to go so I went outside and waited for Luke to arrive. Maybe the cold air will help me think.

What if this is just a scam? How on earth should I just go out on a limb, putting myself out there for the amusement of some person who is just trying to mess with me. In all honesty I'd prefer that it was a joke, that way this 'Mother' of mine hadn't left me for my whole life to live with such horrible people, and that way I won't be hurt in the end.

"Ready to go?" Luke said as he got out of his car.

"No," I said, "I'm really not," I stood up and put my bags in the back of his car. I faced him, his eyes still a bit swollen from just waking up, yet that same old smile was on his face as he looked at me.

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