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hi my little Dreamers




Katrina Okef




I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes a frown on my face. I looked at the clock and it said 4:48. What on earth is tapping on my window?




I sighed and pushed the covers off of me walking to the window. I pulled apart the curtains to find a very bruised and bloody Luke. I gasped and opened the window.

"Oh my gosh Luke are you okay? What happened to you? Why are you all bruised?" I questioned as he climbed through the window. (Wich looked painful from the way his face twisted in pain.)

"I'm fine," He said resting his head on the window as he sat down.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to get a towel. I ran the towel under water and brought it back to where Luke was.

"Don't even lie at this point." I say pressing the cloth trying to get the blood off of his face. He winced and I flinched away slightly "are you okay?"


"Tell me the truth.'' I said looking at him in the eyes seriousness across my face. He sighed and pressed his lips together.

"I got into a fight." He said quietly.

"What happened?'' I say still wiping the blood off his face. The more that I realize he didn't have any major cuts on his face to make this much blood. Was it someone else's? He had a black eye, another bruise on the under part of his chin and a few scratches on his face plus a split lip.

''Misunderstanding," he said shrugging his shoulders but winced when he realized it hurt to do so "but really Kat I'm fine.''

''Shut up,'' I said bluntly tending to his split lip. He looked appalled "sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that.'' I said taking my hands away and looked down suddenly interested in the floor.

He lifted my head so that it looked up at his face, "You look so cute when you're all focused,'' he said grinning. My stomach did this weird thing where there seemed to be a million tiny toddlers on never ending sugar highs going on a rampage

"You're an idiot," I said looking at him trying to study his facial expressions. He once again went wide-eyed. "Sorry," I say rubbing my temple ''my head isn't on straight right now."

He let out an airy laugh, "Its all right, everyone has to be a little blunt now and then right."

The corners of my mouth tilted up in a smile "Right."

We sat there got a while. Just looking at each other thinking to ourselves. Neither one of us wanting to move. It wasn't weird to just me sitting there, it was actually quite relaxing. I yawned and leaned in closer to the wall.

"You should get some rest," Luke said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, probably should." I said closing my eyes. He shifted and stood up. I felt his arms carry me bridal style back to my bed. He placed me down and kissed my forehead.

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