~11~ (unedited)

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Semi-long chapter beware. 0.0

Chapter 11

I was at the park with Missy and Buster, they were just rolling around in the grass playing. I smiled to myself as I watched them play. I had in my music and was listening to Human by Christina Perri. Two other dogs came up to Buster and Missy and did the usual hello of dogs.

I'm probably going to be here a while so I grabbed out my sketchbook and pencil and start to draw. While in drawing I can't stop thinking about yesterday; how Luke held my hand and how my hand fit into his perfectly. The only thing that worries me is how worried he was. To be honest, when he freaked out a bit it scared me into thinking someone was watching us. Getting tired if thinking I pushed all my thoughts aside and focused on my drawing. I'm drawing Buster and Missy. It was one of my best drawings too.

Buster and Missy come up to me looking tiered. Missy jumps onto the bench and lays her head on my lap, Buster just lays at my feet and curls into a ball to take a nap. I smile to myself and rub Missy's head.


"Wake up Kat" The person says and shakes my arm.

I open my eyes and see Layla, I give her a confused look and sit up waking Missy and Buster. "What are you doing here?"

She sits down on the bench next to Missy. "Well, I went to your house to ask if you wanted to go for a run but you weren't there, so I came here to go for a run by myself and you were sleeping."

"Ah I see, that doesn't sound strange at all."

"So are you ready for a run?"

"Nah, I'm not dressed for running and I'm pretty tiered." I said runny my fingers through my hair.

"Loser," She said playfully. I faked hurt. "Just kidding, I love you; see you later." And she restarted her run.

"Come one Missy and Buster lets go home." I said putting on their leashes and started on the trek home.

I put in my ear buds and listened to Perfect by Pink.

The walk home was pretty boring, the same sights just different people. Tomorrows the day, the day I head to AppleWood High.

When I got back to my house I filled Buster and Missy's water bowl and let them roam around in the back yard


So right now I'm at AppleWood high's school gates and I haven't stepped in yet. Some people have given me friendly smiles, others look at me in disgust. I don't want to be here. I hate being the new girl, I bet other people like it 'cause it means that they get a new start and everything but I seriously hate it.

I can't do it I'm going home saying I'm sick. I turn to leave.


I look back and see. Luke?

"Luke? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I go to school here. What are doing here?" He says walking towards me.

"I'm starting school here. I never knew you went to school here."

"I guess school wasn't a very talked about topic in our conversations."

I give him an airy laugh "Yea I guess it didn't."

"Do you have your classes yet?"

"Oh, no I was on my way to get it."

"Come on then I'll go with you." He says. I nod and follow him to the main office. Everyone is looking at me, I look down not wanting anyone to see my face. We walk into the office together and he holds open the door for me.

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