~15~ (unedited)

169 11 7

Ello there




Katrina Okef

I woke up wrapped up in a blanket and Layla was next to me wrapped up in her own blanket. The thought of Layla crying last night was absolutely terrifying. I just wish she would have told me why she was crying. She can be so stubborn sometimes.

She later woke up and I was watching TV. Luke came in earlier and asked if I wanted anything to eat, I said no thanks and he left.

"Morning," I said not taking my eyes off the TV.

She glared at the ceiling ''It's way to early."

I laughed. "Layla it's already 2:26, what do you mean it to early."

"It means exactly what it means." She said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"What do you want to do today." I ask.

"I know what you have to do today." Layla said smirking. I gave her a confused look and she continued ''You have to call Ryder."

"Why? He knows why I couldn't go."

"But Kat think about how he feels." She said taking the remote. "He's probably watching chick flicks eating a bunch of popcorn crying his eyes out."

I started to picture what Layla just said. Ryder all curled up into a pink blanket with a bowl of popcorn and some scattered all over the floor yelling at the TV yelling profanities about the movie. Saying that's not how it works she's lying. I must say it was pretty funny.

"You are a total dork Kat." Layla said when se realized what I was doing.

I just laughed. "Yes I am.''

"Kat I swear if you don't call him I will.'' She said. Layla has been trying to get me to call Ryder to schedule a 'make up' dinner thing for bailing on him last night. Thing she doesn't understand is that i couldn't leave her. So for the past hour or so she's been trying to bribe me to call him.

"Yea sure go ahead call him, what will that do.'' I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"I will call him and tell him how deeply in love you are with him and how you just want him to be yours and how-''

"Will the both of you shut up'' Luke said entering the game room "I can hear you all the way fom upstairs.''

"Luke help me out here Layla is being ridiculous.'' I say pointing at Layla. She just sticks her tounge out at me and crosses her arms across her chest.

"When isn't she,'' He said

"Hey not nice you butt" Layla pouted at her cousin, "But really Kat can you please just call him,'' She said giving me the puppy dog face.

I groaned "Fine. How is you always win?'' I said taking my phone away from her and found Ryder's number.

"Hello," Ryder anwsered drawling out the 'o'.

''Hey," I say "Look I'm sorry for canceling dinner last night, I hope it wasn't to much trouble.''

"Nah it's all good. You didn't miss much anyways just a my mom's company dinner party.''

"Oh well I did miss out on something,''

Eventhough we weren't talking face to face I could tell that his facial expression was a confused one, "Really what, not seeing me.''

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