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Chapter 9:

Finally Friday and its the last day at Westminster Layla and Ryder have been spending all their time with me; I love it but its not like I'm moving states or anything.

So do you remember when Layla asked if her cousin Luke could stay at my house. Well he has and he's us actually really nice and funny. He sleeps on my window bench; which I think is kind of funny cause he's six two and then bench is so small. It's actually been really easy hiding him, the minions and Lucy don't even come into my room. In the mornings he escapes out the from my window and walks to his school.

All this week since the teachers know I'm moving school it seems like they are piling and giving me tons of homework, it's unfair. Not very many of Layla's friends know but some do. Only one of Ryder's friend actually cares to know. Eli; not that's a whole topic on its own. I barley even see him, he's like a ghost. The only time this week that I've seen him is on the class we have together and even then e leaves early saying he has to do something and just leave for the rest of the day. Pretty weird of you ask me.

Right now Layla and Ryder are both trying to convince me to ditch school with them.

"Come on Kat, it's your last day here you should at least go." Layla pleaded.

"Yea I agree, it's your last day it's not like it's going to matter.". Ryder said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"No! I'm leaving this school with high standards and a good record." I say proudly.

"Good record you would expect to hear a 'perfect record' considering how important school is for you," He said. I cringed. I don't have a perfect record. I said nothing. "What? Oh My Gosh, you don't have a perfect record!" He exclaimed taking his arm off my shoulder to look at me.

"It was terrible" I said putting my face in my hands.

"No it wasn't, this guy said something bad about me and she punched him in the face leaving him a broken nose." Layla said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Woah hold on, did you say she punched a guy?"

"Yup." She answered for me.

"And she broke his nose?"

"Yeah! Did you not here my re-telling of the story?" She said folding her arms.

''I did but I would never expect that from Kat" He said raising his arms as a shield.

"What!? He was being mean, so I kinda sorta shut him up." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah yeah, are we going to ditch or what?" Layla said running her fingers through her long hair.

"No. I'm leaving this school with top grades." I said taking the I'm not moving stance.

"Well that sucks cause you're leaving with us." Ryder said throwing me over his shoulder and walking to the car with Layla behind us.

"Ryder put me down right now and I won't scream." I threatened. He didn't answer. "I'm counting to seven." I threatened again.

He still didn't reply. "Fine let the count down begin. One, two, three, four, five si-" I didn't get to finish counting because at five Ryder sat me down in the car and closed the door. Layla sat in the passenger seat leaving me to sit in the back.

"You should have made the count shorter Kitty." He said shrugging and turning on the car.

"Why didn't you mention that earlier?" I mumbled crossing my arms across my chest, and we were off to the mall.


"See Kat isn't this fun!?'' Layla said posing with a pair if sunglasses that she found on the stand.

"Mhm, great fun," I said sarcastically.

"Come on Kitty you need to lighten up, have some fun." Ryder said poking me in the back.

Layla pushed me in front of a mirror and picked out a shirt and held it in front of me. "See Kat, shopping, we do this all the time; just think of it like we are already in summer and there's no such thing as school."

I looked at my reflection with the shirt, Maybe I do need to lighten up. If I'm going to leave Westminster might as well go out with some kind of trouble. "Fine!'' I grabbed the shirt from her hands picked up a pair of cute shorts and sun glasses and headed off to the dressing rooms.

After shopping Ryder was starting to get bored and hungry.

"One more store then we can find something to eat'' I said patting him on the shoulder. He groaned and followed us into the next store.

Layla and I were looking to buy matching outfits when she pushed me into the rack of clothing. "Don't make a sound, its you step mom." She said shuffling the clothes so it looked somewhat normal.

"Hey Ms. Okef," Layla said.

"Oh hello Layla. How have you been" Lucy said. Wow she didn't even ask why she wasn't in school.
Typical Lucy not caring what others do, unless its me and it something bad.

"I've been fine, just here shopping with friends,'' She paused. "Who have apparently gone into another store."

"Well it would be best if you found them. I need to find dresses for the girls for one of my companies parties this Saturday; you are welcome to come if you like and bring a friend" Lucy said. Lucy only liked Layla because she was the richest daughter at school, so Lucy was always trying to get her to socialize with the minions; but since Layla didn't like them she avoided them.

"I would love to but my father has his annual party that day to and since he's my father its mandatory that I go. But thanks for invite" And then Layla left

Wait she left!!!!

And Lucy is still here. I peek through the clothes to see if she is anywhere she could see me. I spot her at a rack in the back of the store. Taking the opportunity I got on the floor and began to crawl to the exit. I get out with out a problem and fine Ryder and Layla sitting at a bench.

"Why'd you leave me there like that." I asked Layla when I was close enough for her to hear me.

"Well I told her I had to find my friends, so I found Ryder." She said simply pointing at him and drinking her smoothie.

Her and Ryder both had smoothies and come to think of it I could really use one right now "Did I get a smoothie?" I ask innocently.

"Yea here" Says Ryder. He takes another sip of his drink and hands it to me. ''There ya go, all yours now."


"What you wanted a drink."

"Yeah not one that someone already drank from" I said handing him back the drink.

"We're just messing around Kat, here this is your drink; I knew you would kill me if I didn't get you a smoothie." Layla said jokingly and handed me my drink.

Todays been a good day. I'm actually kinda glad I left school for the mall.


its been a while how are my lovely readers been-- I hope you've all been good.

ERMERGD I WON MY FIRST SOCCER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was 5-2 if you must know and I think would have liked to be there I played the whole game (as usual) and stopped so many players from scoring (I play defense for those of you who didn't know) and after the game we went to Fuddruckers and it like my favorit burger place EEEEVVVVAAAAA!!!!!!!

Whale I'm gonna go now. hope you enjoyed the story.


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