~12~ (unedited)

229 11 3

Was the other chapter long enough or you guys????


Since Luke and I go to the same school now we walk together. He would take his car but it's at Layla's house. I wonder when he is going to go back home, not that I don't want him to leave I'm just wondering he has been here a while.

Usually we walk in silence, I have my earbuds in and he just walks looking at the road ahead; but there was something not usual about this. He kept looking at me with a questioning look, as if he was questioning being my friend. I did a quick glance towards him and looked away. He looked as if he was thinking about something. Should I say something to break the silence or should I not.

"What's on your mind?" I ask.

He looks at me. "Nothing," he said slightly smiling. His smile was almost like a pity smile. Oh no, I'm not getting pity from anyone especially not from him.

"You sure, you look kinda upset."

"It's nothing trust me."

Uhg what wrong with him, he's usually all smiley and funny; not secretive and weird around me.

"Ok don't lie, what's up obviously something is bothering you."

"Kat really I'm fine just drop it."

I stop walking momentarily. To be honest that kind of stung a bit, he would usually isn't this secretive. I need to process all this I just need a bench or a Starbucks to sit down or something. I scan my surroundings and see a Starbucks.

"Don't wait up, I'm going to get some coffee." I say placing my hand on his arm. I felt a pleasant warmth go through my arm to the tips of my toes, is this normal... did he feel that to? Whatever it's probably nothing.

"Okay see you later." He said. I took my hand away from his arm and walked away instantly feeling cold. Did he notice it to? Oh well. I have to hurry and get my coffee and go to school.

I walk in and go and order my drink.

"Good Morning and welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you to today."

"Yeah hi, can I get a regular coffee with room for cream please." I order.

"Kat? Is that you?" I look behind me and see Ryder.

I give him a big smile. "I'm pretty sure it's me." I say.

"I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been." He asks chuckling.

"That will be three ninety nine, cash or card?" The cashier said.

"Cash." Ryder said putting a ten and five dollar bill on the counter. "I'll have the same as her and a muffin." The cashier person nodded and went to go prepare our coffee.

"You didn't have to do that." I said walking to one of the tables.

"But I wanted to." He said sitting down I. The chair in front of me. "So what have you been up too, I haven't seen you in a while."

I smiled at his sweetness "It's only been a week, plus you called me that one day."

"Yea but you turned me down, saying you had plans, you never have plans." He joked.

I scoffed "Maybe you did have to pay for my coffee." He rolled his eyes. "How are things at Westminster?"

"Oh the usual school boring lectures. Eli and Layla seems like they are really hitting it off."

"Aw I'm so happy for her." I say all smiley and happy. I'm so happy for her she rarely like a guy so this is big.

"Yea, so how are the guard dogs."

Not Your CinderellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora