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"KATRINA WAKE UP YOU NEED TO GO FEED THE DOGS, THEN YOU HAVE TO GO GET MY HAIR PRODUCTS" My step mother Lucy yelled. Doing as she said I put my slippers on and went outside to feed the dogs.

"Buster, Missy" I called for the two dogs. Buster and Missy were my dogs they were pittbulls. Buster was grey, with blue eyes that would make you aww in sight. Missy was brown with white paws and a white strip going down her nose. The two dogs came running up to see me, they jumped up and down wagging their tails. "Yea I know I know I missed you too" I cooed petting them. I walked over to wear Lucy had me keep their food and brought it out to feed them.

Their food was heavy so I was struggling to lift the heavy bag, I didn't know what was happening when all of a sudden I tripped  on a rock and was caught in two muscular arms. I looked up and saw Ryder.

"Are you always this clumsy'' He asked with a smirk.

I glared at him but it quickly turned into a smirk "Why yes I just love being me" I said, the last part wasn't exactly true I hated my life except for my friends and dogs. Lucy and the minions always treated me like I trash always making me do stuff for them.

How does it always happen that he's always there when I'm about to fall?

Ryder rolled his eyes back in amusement chuckling. "You're funny Kitty"

I growled at the name he had given me last night "I'm not a Kitty, how many times do I need to tell you" I said crossing my arms over my chest once he released me from his grasp.

"How bout a few million times" He said leaning down picking up the dog food and put it over his shoulder" and headed to the where the dogs food bowls are.

He put the food down when Buster and Missy came up and started barking at him. Ryder jumped behind me as if I were his human shield from my dogs. I started to laugh like crazy at how he reacted to my dogs.

"Call off the hounds" He said from behind me.

I let them bark at him for a few more seconds and then told them to stop. I walked away from Ryder and poured the dogs food.

"Wow Kitty isn't afraid of big scary dogs" He said walking up to me.

I smirked at him, ignoring that he called me Kitty, "Yes but Rye-Rye is" I said in a babyish tone. Even though he was behind me I could tell he was frowning.

"Whatever, but if you don't want to be late for school then you better hurry up" He said. I looked down at my phone and looked at the time, shoot I'm going to be late.


"Finally we are out, we're free, we didn't die" I said coming out from Ryder's car. Ryder just rolled his eyes at me. "What I could have died at the speed you were going." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Ryder came to my side of the car and bent over so he was my height. "You're such a Kitten" he said flicking my nose.

I folded my arms across my chest "I'm not a Kitten" I said stomping my foot on the ground like a five year old.

"You're so cute when you do that" He said flicking my nose and walking away. What was it with people flicking my nose was it just that flick-able, but that wasn't why I was still standing there,

He called me cute.


"Ooooo someone has a crush on Kat" Layla sang while poking me on the arm.

I gawked "As if, he probably likes Mersaties" I argued.

Layla stopped in her tracks while we were walking to lunch. "Come on Kat you really think he likes her". Practicaly every guy at this school liked her which made me wonder if anyone liked me, and to top it off mainly everyone around us were staring. " I mean he called you cute, went on the skyscreamer with you, come on cant you see it" She continued.

"Can we please just keep walking" I asked nervously.

"Nope" she said popping the 'p' "Not till you admit it" She said sticking her nose  in the air.

I groaned "Fine he likes me, can we go now "

"Nope" She said sticking her nose up in the air.

"Why not" I asked a bit shocked.

"Cause you still don't believe it" And with that she walked off to find her other friends.

I was about ready to scream at what just happened, but there was still a lot of people looking at me so I stomped off to get some lunch.


"Hey Trina," Josh said walking up to me while I was trying to draw.

"Hi" I simply responded.

"What's new" He asked. Why do people always bother me when I'm drawing.

"Well, not much, what about you" I asked not wanting to bring up what happened with me and Layla.

"Same, where's Layla? You two are like inseparable" He questioned.

"Long story" I replied.

He nodded his head understandingly. "Well Ryder wants to see you, thats why I really came"

Why would Ryder want to see me, I mean we were friends an all but why. "Ok"

"He's over by the parking lot" He said and walked away.

I put my ear buds in and listened to I Wish by Cher Loyd as I walked to go find Ryder


Hey guys what do you think, I know its not much but its something right??? Anyways who do you think has my personality or who is based on me. One is based on me and the other is based on my friend.

Video to the side ---------->>>>>

hope you like it


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