Its Always a Nightmare

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Footsteps, in a panic she silently but quickly dimmed down her bedroom light and plugged earphones into her TV and stood very still until she heard the footsteps pass her room and into the one at the end of the hall, standing for a couple of extra seconds her body sank onto the floor, she crossed her legs then reached for her Xbox controller, placed in the earphones and began her game again, being this close to the television made her eyes sore but she tried to focus them, she wasn't giving up this part of the game. The character in the game threw something at a weird plant which fell onto a grate float and separated into pieces; the character gathered some spores for this plant then headed off back in the direction he had just walked. Emily had thought she was becoming a pro at the game but this part always managed to piss her off. The monster sprung out of the water and began to charge at the character, smugly smiling Emily threw something at the monster but was surprised when the character started to whiz towards the monster then get devoured by it. The gamer bit her bottom lip trying not to shout and throw her controller on the ground as last time she did that her foot suffered badly for a few hours. This always happened, whenever she had to choose the line launcher to get to the other side as the monster had destroyed some crates, she sometimes forgot to change it back to batarang, and usually she'd get it changed just in the nick of time but not always.

"Tick tock, feed the croc!"

Emily rubbed her eyes and drank some of her bottled water before picking the controller up and trying it again, she failed a further three times but on the forth she managed to get past.

"Yeah Croc, don't mess with me scale boy," she whispered with triumph. Her eyes were beginning to fail her now; Emily could no longer fight against sleep. Saving and switching off the Xbox, she turned off the light and snuggled into bed and tried to sleep.

Emily Rodgers came from a very eccentric family and always thought she was the normal one of the bunch but she discovered that the world of gaming brought out her strangeness. She had four favourite games: Alice Madness Returns, the Gears of War trilogy, Greenday Rockband and Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman was the one she was obsessing about for weeks. A while back she had been looking for new games to try out and it was highly recommended so she saved up enough money and ordered the game and no sooner it arrived and she had played it nonstop. She had completed the game in easy and in normal and now she was doing it in hard difficultly, before you even confirm the choice to play it on the harder level it warns you that all the bad guys are much stronger and other stuff but Emily paid no attention to it, she already thought that she was brilliant at it until she came to the first TITAN monster and it destroyed but her in a bad mood for hours. But she got the hang of it again and slowly she started to work through all the areas, failing here and there occasionally but she was nearing the end and then after the story line all she would have to do was fine all the Riddler problems.

It wasn't just the game that she was addicted to. Batman had become her obsession and her friends were sure that it would come and go quickly but at night Emily would go on her phone she would go on and hunt for juicy new batman stories, all the ones to do with the game and animated series and also the movies. She had a few favourites but made sure not to tell anyone about them as some were, raunchy...very raunchy. Oh teenagers eh. But tonight she wasn't in the mood for reading, tonight she was thinking. After reading so many fan stories she wanted to write one to, during some classes at school she would scribble notes on random bits of paper trying to create ideas. She had her character and most of her traits but all the ideas she could come up with sucked or were too familiar to other peoples stories, she had thought playing the game tonight would help her mind burst with creativeness but the story canvas was still blank.

Her phone played a little tune which disturbed her comfortable laying position, her hand reached towards her phone, a text message from her brother, he was sleeping on the sofa for a few days as his room was getting done up.

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