Tricks and Experiments

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The chattering teeth had bounced under a table and got itself caught itself under papers and kept banging off the table leg. Reaching in she pulled it out and clamped it in her hands, Filly took hold of each side and with all her strength tried to pull them apart, it took a few seconds but it crushed to pieces in her hands. Taking a photo of it a message soon popped up saying that all the chattering teeth in the area had been destroyed. It was hard getting to some of the trophies since you needed certain gadgets to get to them but she took the photo anyway Batman would figure it all out easily.

Being the only one in Intensive Treatment made her feel strangely claustrophobic, she wished that a goon who pop up or someone to come round the corner but no. The only sounds were of alarms and mechanic devices malfunctioning, she had reached Riddler's cell and proceeded to scan it into the device, she was sure that Batman would of already solved this but just to be on the safe side. Setting the gadget down she went on a quick search in his cell for something and soon came cross a small green bouncy ball with a darker question going around it. Repeating the memory process her eyes closed, accessed the memory and watched.

Edward never let himself get bored in the asylum, he'd create new riddles and plans to trap the Batman, he would occasionally make little tunes in his head which held little secrets and sometimes he'd make the first letters of the verses and choruses spell out words. But today hadn't been his best; he was allowed back in the lunch hall to have meals with the rest of the patients but one of the lunatics had grabbed a plastic fork and stuck it into a guards throat. In an asylum filled with scares you'd have to make a weapon out of the most simplest things. He was sighing and grunting in annoyance while bouncing a ball off the wall opposite from him, it would hit the floor, bounce against the wall then the Riddler would catch it effortlessly in his hand.

"Wait here, I shall be back in a moment."

The Riddler turned his head to the sound of the command and his eyes widened at the sight of a little girl. He had never seen a child in the asylum before, she was holding a toy horse by it's two front legs and kept her other hand behind her back. The Riddler watched the nervous child stare as their Doctor entered a room and left her alone, the girls eyes looked around the cell block carefully then she met Edwards gaze. She quickly turned away from him and kept her head staring at the floor. 

What a shy creature he thought.

Edward tapped on the metal bars hard making sure that it gave off a loud enough sound to attract only her attention. She glanced his way again then turned her full body towards him but she didn't move any further,"What's your name darling? I'm Edward" he said with a charming grin.

"My name is Emily." she replied shyly her cheeks turning red.

"Do you like games?"he asked sliding down the bars to be at her level.

Little Filly's eyes lit up, "Yes" she replied and took two little steps towards him.

"How about we play a game of Cops and Robbers?"

She pulled a confused face before answering, "I've never heard of that before. How do you play it?"

"It's easy, I play the robber and you are the cop. I run away and hide and you have to come and find me."

"Hold on" little Filly frowned, "Is that not hide and seek but called different?"

Edward held back a bad-mannered comment and chose to reply politely, "Yes but this is a special version. You see you have to let me out of my cell first so I can go and hide. Then once you find me you have to bring me back here and lock me up tight."

Her face beamed, "That does sound like a lot of fun!"

"Good, now do you know how to let me out?" he asked urgently, there was a wicked glint in his eye pleased that his lies had tricked the girl.

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