It's Just a Game

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Filly refused to go back to her room, she wasn't going to miss her chance to see the Joker and Batman up close before the chaos erupted. She imagined herself sitting back at home with eyes glued to the screen and waiting for the fun to begin, the giant doors to the asylum opening, the Joker secured and the long walk through intensive treatment.

Standing close to Doctor Young she kept her head down and just listened and studied everyone's reaction to the Joker returning. Some guards looked on high alert and other seemed rather boring, almost like they've been through hundreds of 'Joker returns' and Doctor Young looked calm but Filly knew that she was just covering up. How can someone hid their emotions like that so well, in the tape recordings she always try to sound that she was better, like nothing to make her angry or lose a nerve, though it was a horrible thing to think about, Filly was glad that she got killed, she had it coming to her.

Giggles belong to cute little babies who get easily amused by washing machines. Giggles aren't so adorable when they come from a mad man. You could be anyone, you could not be into Batman at all but you'd recognise that laugh anywhere, that laugh would send you running to the hills. For Filly it was the most surreal things to hear, from television speakers to actually hearing it from the man…monster itself was more terrifying than anything she could imagine. She obviously forgot about the things that were still to come.

"What's up Doc? Put me in for tomorrow at four, we've got a lot of catching up to do "It was the little things like that that made the game great, when you first played the game you'd completely look past what he just said then second time you play you smile as you know what he means.

Filly took a quick glance in the Jokers direction but he was looking elsewhere. But as her eyes moved away she noticed that Batman was looking directly at her and her heart just stopped beating. Imagine looking at your hero or God that was the best she could describe it. In fact she remembered when they were in the elevator if you zoomed into the Jokers face he looked directly at you a few times just before it blacked out, it gave you shivers.

The Joker and Batman had continued on and Doctor Young and Filly left Intensive Treatment, but once they were outside Filly had been ordered to go back to her room but in a few minutes time that wasn't going to safe place, nowhere on the island was going to safe.

Getting to Arkham West was fairly easy, she had expected the doors to be shut but they opened for her when the sensors detected her, They must only stay bolted shut when the chaos starts. Instead of doing what Young told her to do, she ran to the showers and found the boxes of clothes and put on her outfit and ran back outside before she was caught or asked too many questions. Time seemed to drag on, God this is taking forever to kick off! But it gave her time to ponder on about her character, though she got herself confused, OK your real life name is Curly, but in Arkham its Emily but your true Batman name is Filly. During this game I'm discovering what my character Filly is like. Right, glad I got that figured out.

The guards didn't question her, she must have usually gone walking around at night and then the alarms went off. She knew how she wanted her story to begin but she still had to patiently wait for the Joker to get to the visiting centre as she knew the only places he was ever really in were intensive treatment, the visiting centre and the botanical gardens. She hid silently so none of the guards could see her and when the time felt right she ran towards the visiting centre doors, opened them and quickly slammed them back shut once she was inside.

"I don't think they saw me" she breathed out a sigh of relief and walked towards the set of doors that lead you to the Joker. Filly opened the door with a big swing almost as dramatic like Batman and took in her surroundings. There was damp feel to the centre, it was murky, dark and cold and poorly lit, she noticed a few careless moths bumping into the light bulbs and a spider twisting a fly in its dangerous web, a woodlouse scurried along a chair leg and as she turned her head her breath caught hold of the glass that would hold a patient and their visitor apart and two handprints appeared on it faintly. Filly couldn't imagine anyone else noticing any of these things and it only occurred to her in that moment that her eye sight was enhancing everything, she could see everything. But the only thing that her attention now was the Joker's body with a TV instead of head sitting behind the glass. Filly took a couple of cautious steps and then the TV made a static sound and it switched itself on and the mad man was on the screen.

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