Memories and Pain

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Batman had taken care of the first thugs in the Penitentiary entrance while Filly had picked up the Victor Zsasz interview tape that the Dark Knight had ran by and once the goons had been knocked out she gave him the tape and he began to listen to it. While Batman stood and listened Filly hunted out the box of clothes she had before, tipped out and stared at the remaining choices. Squinting her lips she peeked out to check on Batman who was had finished listening to the tape and was now waiting for her.

This wasn't the sort of pressure she had ever been under, her wardrobe back home was filled with comfortable clothes so it never took her more than five minutes to get ready. Thinking on her feet an idea popped into head; Filly willed her slow motion abilities to travel into the area where Batman was standing, she round the corner and saw him standing completely still, once a few moments passed she figured that it worked then quickly began to change.

Thankfully the box had spare underwear in it but the bra wasn't very supportive, the other clothing options weren't much better. She bent over and pressed the button on the hand dryer, it wasn't as strong as she she hoped but rolling her hair all around it felt less damp, she'd have to face the dreaded curls. This time she chosen red tartan jeans which was one size too big but luckily a belt came with it, big black army styled boots through weren't as heavy as they looked and a white blouse that was missing something buttons and showed off her cleavage, it made her very self conscious but it was better than the other t-shirts that were up for offer. Glancing in the mirror her eyes couldn't avert from her new look, the blouse was a lot more see through than she expected so she grabbed a long black apron, ripped it and improvised a scarf. Around her neck it was just longer enough so she gave a thankful sigh and prayed that she'd find something more suitable later.

As happy as she could be with her new outfit she walked back to Batman, her power had wore off on him and she couldn't help but smile when the Dark Knight gave a tiny confused look at how fast she had gotten herself sorted. He gave her a sort of disapproval look about the clothes but it didn't inherited his face for long. The 'Glitch' subject had been dropped so she made a note to ask Joker at their next meeting.

Each step that they took the sounds of gnashing and gurgling got louder, it made Filly's skin crawl and her pace slowed without herself realizing. He placed his hand comfortably on her shoulder trying to give her the confidence to walk forward. Swallowing as much fear as she could to the pit of her stomach she walked beside Batman trying to match his pace and avoid eye contact with the crazies.

Filly wondered if she should tell Batman that she knew who he was, instead of just coming out with it she decided that she was going to give him some hints, "I found out some interesting stuff about myself in Doctor Young's office," he was silent, "Like on my birthday did you know that Bruce Wayne donates a lot of money to the asylum."

The Dark Knight stopped in his tracks, he looked over his shoulder at her and calm asked, "How long have you known?"

"Oh, only a little while."

He gave a small nod then continued walking, she figured that that was a conversation for another time.

Suddenly the floor began to buzz signalling that the electricity was about to fry them. The electrical gate hadn't been put up yet and with the sparks nipping at her feet she quickly ran through before it closed.

"I'll find a way to get you out of there." she heard Batman call. He must of got up there with his grappling hook.

"Don't worry about me! Go ahead and save the Warden, I'll find my own way out."

She heard the whoosh of his cape then he was gone. It was just then she realized that she was more or less alone with the cells holding insane men she decided to pace back and forth slowly to calm herself but it wasn't working. Filly was losing her nerve but from the corner of her eye she noticed that a cell door was open. Frozen to the spot she listen for movement but it didn't sound like there was anybody running about. Swallowing the lump in her throat she approached the cell slowly, her eyes darting everywhere making sure that no one was about to jump out and attack her.

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