Daddy Arkham

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Filly rushed on to her feet and took a few steps back, her eyes never left Ivy's but from the corners she could see the plants moving, barricading all other exits. Trapped and her mind silently panicking, Poison Ivy chuckled at her as if she was a child who had thought they had done something naughty.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you child." her voice slow and smooth you could paint with it. Filly stayed silent, she had nothing to say to Ivy but if she didn't speak maybe the green woman might change her mind and turn her vines on her.

"What do you want?"

"Well to have a chat of course. It has been a long time since I had some, female company."

That was one thing Filly agreed with, on all her interview tapes men dealt with her. This was Poison Ivy for God's sake! She can literally wrap them all around her long green fingers.

Filly gave a forced smile and chuckled but it came out more like a cough.

Ivy sighed dramatically, "You don't remember our first meeting do you?"

"I'm afraid I don't Miss Ivy."

"Not to worry, it was a long time ago and you were very young. Not to mention the experiments they did on you must play a part in that as well."

Filly's eyes widened, "Experiments?" she had been so frightened to say it. Ivy didn't reply instead she motioned Filly to walk towards her; two large leaf's spread apart to revealed a delicate purple flower, its stem was curled many times and it was quivering, "Touch its petals my dear. It may give you some lost answers."

Lightly brushing her fingers on the petals so she didn't damage them, her eyes shut and the memory begun. The scene started in the Glasshouse, it was quiet, the fountain had been badly damaged and it wasn't working. Listening closely she heard a crumbling sort of sound coming from the second level. Going up she saw a child, no older than six or seven, clearly it was her younger self. Young Filly had a small shovel and with it she was digging holes in the compost patch that had been made for her then placed plant bulbs ever so carefully inside.

It was nice to see herself having fun and not in any kind of danger but these kind of moments never lasted in he asylum.

All of a sudden the entrance doors boomed open and all plant life came to life. Vines lifted up a woman over the edge, she stood in front of the child, her eyes grew wide when the little Filly saw Poison Ivy. She crawled backwards and dropped her shovel it was hard to take her eyes away from the strange lady.

Poison Ivy raised her eyebrow, surprised to encounter a child in the gardens. "Little girl," little Filly slowly got to her feet, "I am looking for a flower with purple petals, and a stem that curls into many loops, it has a sickly sweet scent to mortals." Ivy wasn't too sure if the little girl knew that term for humans but she nodded her head a couple of times then answered.

"I know a plant that looks like that, Daddy Arkham has it in his office."

"Bring it to me." Ivy commanded Ivy harshly.

Little Filly pulled a face at the lady's manners, "You didn't say the magic word."

Ivy gave her a stern look as she was quickly losing patience, "Bring the flower to me, please."

With a beaming smile Filly ran off. In Doctor Arkham's office the flower sat in a glass case which was locked off and to get it opened you have to unlock the combination. She watched in amazement as her younger self touched the combination, closed her eyes and through her memory power got the code. Little Filly skipped back to the gardens holding the flower tightly in her hands but when she quietly stepped back into the Glasshouse guards were everywhere and it was hard to keep hidden. From above Filly could hear the conversation between Ivy who was strapped down on a long hard bed and a man who she assumed was Doctor Arkham.

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