Good vs Evil

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The green light from the venom shone signalling the battle to commence, Bane full of rage and anger roared and Batman stood calm and ready for the villain’s first move.

Playing this part of the game in easy mode was incredibly simple and fast, in the middle difficulty it wasn’t hugely tougher than ‘easy’. The hard difficulty though was another story. Filly had spent so long building up frustration when it came to fighting Bane on ‘hard’, after about the sixth try she thought the game was just taking the piss. It took fifteen attempts before finally beating him, even though she was alone in her room she felt embarrassed to call herself a gamer.

Before Bane barely took his first step at charging Batman, the Dark Knight had thrown a batarang and it hit Bane in the exact place it did in the game. The man of muscle clutched his face and ran straight into the wall and Batman wasted no time and began to throw punches until Bane regained himself. These moves were repeated once more but once finished hitting Bane, Batman jumped on to Bane’s back and knocked off one of his venom chords. Batman moved a steady distance away as Bane punched his fist into the ground and caused the full room shake, Filly almost lost her footing when she felt it she couldn’t believe that Batman was still standing.

The dust from the bricks poured down in front of Filly when Bane grabbed a chuck off the wall with her bare hands and threw it at Bman which he easily dodged but when the dust and bits of small flying rubble cleared she could see Joker’s thugs climbing down to assist Bane.

It seemed an easy fight before the thugs came down but they were causing big distractions for Batman, as he was busying fighting Bane had charged twice and he got Batman once. As more of Joker’s men came into the fight, Bane took his opportunity to pick up the bodies of the unconscious and threw them at Batman and four out of five got him.

The Dark Knight managed to defeat all of the thugs and he was back to fighting Bane but he was acting slower but he got Bane in the same way as before. Filly thought that Bman was lucky, if his opponent hadn’t been through suffering and wasn’t feeling the fury he wouldn’t have let the vigilante get away with simple tactics.  

Batman had thrown another batarang at Bane which caught his head but at the same time Bane had thrown another body at Bman which hit him and knocked him to the side.

But instead of getting back to his feet the Dark Knight didn’t stand up and Bane was regaining his strength. It suddenly occurred to her and even though the events in the game were happening, the experience she was having was ‘real life’, if Batman was knocked out there was no going back. If Batman was broken by Bane then the full story would never be told and Filly didn’t want to fill in the gaps.

Moving as many bricks away as she could the space became big enough for her to aim and throw the batarang. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she watched Bane get back on his feet before Batman though he staggered a little Filly took her chance and threw her weapon.

Sweat rolled slowly down the side of her face as her slow motion power decided to make the scene around her more intense; the batarang spun round once, twice, three times then hit Bane in his face. The batarang clattered to the floor and when it did the world returned to its pace and the villain was back on his knees. Filly shouted out in success and suddenly the bricks she had been using for support gave way and her body slipped through and she fell into the fighting pit. Batman had just started to get back up but she knew by the time he registered what happened Bane would be fighting fit.  Filly ran towards the man who she had comforted minutes ago, hopped on to his back and took out the last chord and jumped down landing almost gracefully next to Batman.

Smiling triumphantly to herself before the walls and ceiling started to cave in. Bane was shouting as he was engulfed in the debris and Filly felt the hero’s arm snake around her waist as he used his grappling gun to pull them up to safety.

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