Who Am I

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The paper reported that Gotham was seeing another cold winter, other crime stories were kept small and tried not to bring too much attention. But the story on this "Glitch" was huge; Filly figured that crime bosses made sure that it was reported to advertise a hit on them. The article went on about the first recorded sighting:

~Glitch was seen on a bus heading out of Gotham, it's believed a man had got on with a gun and began threatening the passengers. Glitch attacked the man, it's said that she was laughing as they fought the gunman. Next thing the accused takes a lipstick and writes on the man's face 'To Gordan, love Glitch xxx' and suddenly sparks appear and the gunman and Glitch disappear. Moments later the gunman is at the doorstep of the police station. As soon as the story broke out calls were made to Arkham Asylum to see if any patients were missing but nothing came up.~

Filly guessed that checking the Asylum first was understandable, someone who could teleport in sparks ticked all the boxes of an asylum freak. She continued to read:

~Some might say that this event shows a 'hero' taking their first steps into helping the city, or taking their steps into an early grave. These sorts of events always split the opinion of the cities people. Esther Brown said,

"I think it's a good thing to see citizens stand up against these foes, it puts confidence in us."

But Jackson Cain says,"People need to stop taking the law into their own hands, they might think they are doing good but sooner or later they'll catch up with you, and you'll only have yourself to blame when they get a knife in the back."

When asked about the event we asked the commissioner his thoughts, he kept it short and brief "The incident isn't anything new", and when Lieutenant Gordon was asked he simply said, "Someone is trying to make a joke out of something that isn't very funny."

A small investigation is now underway, police have said that they are sure Glitch is a young female, guessing late teens to early twenties, homeless but chances are, Gotham hasn't seen the last of Glitch.~

And the newspaper was right, clipped neatly and securely were more photos, headlines and articles. Filly would of loved to read them all but her curiosity was begging to go and investigate about herself. It didn't take long until she found a series of tape players. On each of the sides it said 'Riddler One', 'Riddler Two' and so forth, but she came across one with no label and hoped that this could be her's. Sitting on Young's chair, she placed her feet up and played the first few seconds.

"This is Doctor Young, recording notes on Patient Emily Rogers. Since Riddler has been moved out of my care I've had time to look into other patients."

She must of recorded these just after Doctor Laird's incident, Filly admitted she was quick and committed.

"Emily's case I find to be extremely intriguing. She's had a lot of Doctors over the years and all of their notes when compared to one and another just don't seem to make a lot of sense. Her interview with Doctor Laird is the recent of strange notes; he said that she was found in the grounds of Arkham when she was four which is just utter nonsense. My only logical explanation is that the Scarecrow got his evil gas on him but it didn't affect Emily."

Thinking back to her small interview earlier, Filly remembered the Doctor mentioning that but she didn't think it was majorly important.

"I just can't believe how these nonsense notes haven't been brought to anyone's attention before. The only reason I can come up with is...that these Doctors were under some sort of chemical influence or...it's seriously frustrating. There are so many rumors about her it's hard to keep up with it all."

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