Many Encounters

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The sewer corridor seemed to have got longer when she took her first steps into Killer Croc's lair. A foul smell of dirty water and rotting meat got trapped under nostrils and it stuck in the back of her throat, her stomach threatened her with sickness but she waited a few moments to let it settle.

The grates stared at her in such a way it was like they were laughing at her, they were saying 'scaredy cat!' in their silent wooden voices. Filly was sure that she was finally going mad. Bubbling up all the courage she could muster, she pushed her fear aside and lifted her foot and placed it as gently and quietly on to the crate.

Once both feet were on the first grate, it sunk only slightly but Filly felt like a sack of bricks on top of them. The green lights illuminated the walls, the thick gunk which looked like a mix between mucus, soot and other things she tried not to think about.

She got to the first plant rather easily with no fuss; the batarang easily tore through the plant, it dropped with a squishy thud onto the crate then Filly began to collect the spores. In her pocket there were ten batarangs left, she prayed that she wouldn't run out. The only thing she didn't have was the line launcher which didn't really matter as she was sure she'd be able to jump the distance.

Finding a vile had been easy, the doctors examined him so often they had plenty of viles with his blood, saliva, scales and so forth, there were plenty of clean ones but no toppers. In the end she grabbed a handful of paper towels, ripped them up and twisted them tightly into the top, Filly hoped that is would keep everything inside. She was done collecting from the first plant and readied herself for Croc.

"Why am I doing this? I was almost killed by a crazy and Croc is about two hundred times more dangerous and monstrous." Oh come on Filly is your chance to show you can be as strong, brave and as badass at Robin and Batgirl! This is the mission that you fail badly at but come on, don#t feel scared be determined, you can win this, "Yeah...I can do it..."

She began to break down mentally the path in her head. In the game it always seemed long as you'd end up going the wrong way or Croc would begin destroying the crates and you'd end up having to double back. Then he'd pop up from under the water and come trudging towards you in his sinister pace. The thought made her stomach boil back to life with sickness; not being able to stop her stomach this time she threw up into the remains of the plant, her eyes shut tight and her nose crinkled up as if to block out the smell.

Croc had surely already caught her scent, she imagined that she smelled a lot different from Batman, he'd be so pleased that he would be getting a 'easy meal'.

The waters began to ripple wickedly, Filly heard croaks and snarls then the animal roared, "You dare come down to my sewer!? You won't find the big bad wolf down you'll find something much more worse!"

Filly could practically here the music in her head, the sharp violins and horrific drums; Croc unleashed himself from the water and charged towards her. She wished her fears would release her but her hand wouldn't let the batarang go! Every second he got closer Filly urged her power to slow time down; it worked but it was already beginning to crack underneath Killer Croc's strength. The batarang locked on to the collar, it flew from her hand and hit Croc; time returned to its normal pace and Croc clutched his collar and fell into the water.

The crates swayed from side to side then quickly settled; there was a taste of accomplishment on her lips, she couldn't believe that she survived the first of the Croc confrontations. Adrenaline was tingling in her fingertips she was itching to run on the crates and give it all she had, but she knew that would be a stupid idea.

Crouching down she took quick quiet steps, corner after corner she finally found another plant and collected from it. Croc hadn't made another appearance yet and it started to worry her; the sooner she got the spores the better, she quickened her pace a little more but it was a bad move.

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