The Final Memory

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It had been three days since the terrifying events at Arkham Asylum, the island was still recovering and many had not even begun mourning the dead. Filly had found that she didn't need to rest but sooner or later sleep would creep up on her, and it would take her home. She hoped.

The library of patients had been left untouched, if she hadn't had already known the Joker's goons had done this she would had guessed that a whirlwind had charged through. Cash had came back into the asylum to take the work load off her shoulders and he ordered her to take a break but instead she went to the Arkham Records Room and started to tidy up. It was going to take time. She first had to organize the papers by the dates and from there put everything in alphabetical order, it took her just over a hour and a half to find all the files dated 1910, they were all surprising still in good condition.

Things had turned deathly quiet, she welcomed the silence after all the alarms of the outbreak but now nothing screamed or cried, not even a creak of an old floorboard, she'd do anything for an iPod. Instead she found a copy of a Scarecrow interview tape, she listened to it while she half read and half tied up the records.

"Patient interview 6. Dr Crane has been back in custody for three weeks." he sounded exhausted, no doubt this interview session had kept him all night worrying, "Regular sessions have been inconclusive. I am not sure if he's actually insane.

There was no click of an opening door, it was as if he magically appeared into thin air, "Good evening, Stephen. How are you tonight?" he sounded oddly cheery.

"I'm conducting the session, Jonathan." Doctor Kellerman said sternly.

"Of course. If that helps you cope, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Doctor Kellerman shuffled what sounded like papers then continued, "Let's talk about the events three weeks did you think you'd achieve? Dr Murphy is still in therapy."

"I wanted to understand him." Crane was always one for explaining things with his hands, she imaged him throwing his hands and arms in the air and to the sides as he explained, "His personal demons. His fears. It's all quite fascinating, really."

"But you are...were a respected doctor. A brilliant mind, not just another resident at Arkham." Filly wondered what the two Doctor's relationship was like before Crane became the Scarecrow. Doctor Kellerman sounded so sad and there was not one trace of hope in his voice, the two of them must had been good friends.

"Can I have a drink? A strong one? This kind of question bores me."

"I'm afraid not."

"Interesting choice of words, Doctor. Tell me, what are you afraid of?" he would of had his arms gripping his chair tightly and he would be leaning in towards the Doctors face as he asked this. Then came the click signalling the end of the tape.

Filly had to admit that Doctor Kelllerman was tough, he was in charge of Scarecrow and Poison Ivy and both of them had seriously harmed him but he was still here doing his job. What a badass!

A while or so later she stopped to take a break, her eyes had gone dizzy after all the information she had read off the records. Fiddling in her pocket she took out the flower the Joker had tossed her earlier, she had almost totally forgot about it. Sitting it on the table she slouched in her chair, arms folded and her leg propped up on the other, the Joker's flower stared at her and Filly frowned. In her mind she imaged that the flower had a voice and was calling 'Come on, you know you want to' at her, but in all honesty she was scared of the memory waiting for her. Sighing in defeat she strolled back towards, picked it up then threw it in the air and caught it easily in her hands. She got comfortable and cupped the flower like you would do with water; eyes closed she concentrated, ready to view the memory.

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