Say Hello to Something Scary

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The medical building was a lot bigger than Filly thought. The first time she had played the game in easy mode this part of the game was over in a breeze and then she played it in normal and hard mode, she couldn't remember how many times Bane defeated her.

There was no sign of Doctors anywhere, she couldn't hear them but she thought she had already wasted enough time and hurriedly began to snoop about.

From all the books and graphic novels the Doctors seemed very unattached from the world, they were very lifeless with no personally at all, she remembered "Arkham Asylum Madness" by Sam Kieth and every doctor in it acted different, they just weren't 'normal'. They were all hanging on to sanity by a thin thread and in a way it proves the Joker's point, a part of the asylum, and a part of him lives inside all of us.

Filly focused on the little offices, opening cabinets, opening drawers, studying pill packets; she picked up the "DeaCap" packet and pulled out a layer of unused pills. They had a million boxes of them either sitting on the desk of tucked up in selves and even some hidden in the drawers, no doubt some of the Doctors were taking their patients medication.

Hospitals had never spooked her before, all apart from this one; she remembered when she was looking for riddler goodies she hadn't expected to come across heads in jars! Filly was walking up to the last little office and almost screamed when her eyes made contact with the floating head in a jar. She cursed then shook her head and finally took hold of a tape, the tape she had been so eager to get her hands on. When she first played the game this was the first tape she had come across as she hadn't really investigated into riddles and missed the Harley Quinn tape in Intensive Treatment; she left them to the end. But the hard difficulty game she was playing before she fell into this universe, she was trying to get all of the riddles and catch the Riddler before the final show down with Joker.

"Final show down…still feels like a long way away yet" she said to herself.

Opening a drawer she hunted around for a tape recorder and luckily she found one, she couldn't help but feel excited as she slotted it in and pressed the play button. She knew all the words; she had even gone on to YouTube and downloaded all the interview tapes to listen to!

The tape began to play.

"Patient interview number 21. Patients name is Edward Nigma, also known as the Riddler. So Edward, Warden Sharp tells me you've been leaving threatening riddles scrawled on the asylum walls, again." Filly could picture Doctor Young leaning her elbows on the table with her hands clasped, and Riddler would have his leg rested on his other knee and arms folded but when he would become talking he'd waved his arms a bit dramatically.

"One would have to be severely paranoid to read threats into harmless riddles, Doctor Young. May I test you with one?" he asked her stroking his chin, slight bit of stubble.

"Very well."

"What is it that walks on four legs, then two legs and finally three legs?" Filly imagined him smirking and raising his eyebrow.

"A human being. As a baby is crawls on four legs, as an adult it walks on two and in later years it uses a cane." She ended her sentence making it sound like the answer was very obvious.

And then the Riddler gave that little dark chuckle, "Good try, but the answer to all three is a baby. True, it crawls on four legs but cut off its legs it can only wriggle on two limbs. Give it a crutch it can hobble around on three. You see?"

"That's horrible, how can you even joke about that?!" she said; you'd think she'd of heard worse things.

"Easily Doctor, it's not my baby." The way he said 'it's not my baby' was just very satisfying to her ears.

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