Fall of the TITAN King

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Filly had brushed herself down and made herself look presentable as she walked up to the goons standing outside the entrance to the Visitor Centre. Two stood looking around while another flipped through the papers secured on a clipboard, they noticed her coming and they suddenly stood to attention but the goon with the clipboard only raised an eyebrow at her and once she was closer he asked for her name.

"Sorry but ah, I don't see your name on the list darlin'."

"Well check again, darlin'" she mocked, "Try Filly."

He flipped over all the guest pages but he shook his head. Filly grabbed it from him and looked down the sheet, to her disappointment he was right, her name wasn't on the guest list. She flipped over to the last sheet that said 'staff' and sure enough her name was there. He stepped out of her way to her pass, he made a crude comment to her which she chose to ignore. Inside the goons stood in their rows, when the door opened slightly they had begun clapping but instantly stopped when they realized that it was just her, a couple booed and a few wolf whistled, these criminals were really pushing her patience now.

One reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder as if he was trying to slide down her blouse. She turned on her heel and slapped his across his face, he stepped back wide eyes amazed at her strength. She was pretty surprised that she managed to get him good but there was a slight buzzing feeling in her hand and it was hard not to show just how much it has also hurt her, "Hands off my shirt gubs."

The Joker wasn't sitting in his chair behind the glass which left an eerie silence and a throat choking atmosphere of what what was soon to come. Filly made her way into the back of the visiting centre; it was dark and clouded with dust but bright flashed on and blinded out the small floating debris, when her eyes were fully adjusted to the light she spotted the Joker sitting on his throne polishing Scarface.

"Your goons are surprisingly artistically talented. I take it you make it a requirement when you post an AD in the papers when your hiring." she smiled approaching him slowly.

The Joker didn't look at her straight away but he giggled an adjusted Scarface on his throne so he stayed still on the arm of the throne. Filly got a proper look at the throne, from a distance it looked as if naked dead corpses had been piled on top of one and other and cemented together but she knew that they were decapitated mannequins. At the top large metal spikes came out of a platform, heavy chains hung down some had plastic doll heads of them and barbed wire went along the spikes. In a white it was a much more horrific version of the throne from the Killing Joke.

She didn't wait for his reply on her comment "Where is Jeremiah Arkham?",getting straight to her business.

His toxic green eyes sparked and danced at the mention of the doctor, he chuckled then relaxed in his throne, "He was a very naughty boy who bit off a bit more than he could chew."

"No one hurts my favourite girl." Thank God Harley isn't here to hear you say that.

"Would you like to see what happened?" He threw over his dead orange flower and she caught it easily in her hand but instead of looking at the memory she tucked it into her pocket to save for later.

"How long have you known about my powers? Why the Hell am I only discovering them right now?" she snapped, "And this Glitch person, who is that?" she suddenly remembered.

He giggled, "Questions, questions, questions heh heh he, all in good time my dear, I wouldn't want to spoil things for you right now. I put enough clues around the asylum to feed your appetite"

"Why have you been doing this for me?"

"A long time ago I was given these secrets, and I was told that when the time came I would use them to help a dear friend along." it sounded like a cliché from a bad thriller movie but he hadn't lied to her yet.

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