Mad Men

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It was easy to get lost in Arkham; Filly had been walking in circles for a while. The asylum was a lot bigger than the game made out, there were many more rooms and buildings (not to mention all the secret rooms still to be found), she made note to ask someone if there were any maps. She had ended up being right outside the penitentiary when a guard approached her and sent her in the right direction. Even though she only stood outside the penitentiary for a short time she thought about the people inside it and what was still to happen.

What went on in their brains? She imagined that each of them had different thoughts and emotions going through them at major speeds but they all looked and acted the same. The wild colours in their eyes were swirling madly, they all reminded her of zombies when she played the game, they ran to the bars screaming and gnashing and it was terrifying even the music as the doors opened was creepy and disturbing. Where these people Cranes rats? Were all these people sane once? Maybe one of them was a teacher driven mad by little yobs who made their life a misery. Maybe one of them was the high school jock and fame got too much for him and drove him mad? Or maybe one of them was a plumber who returned home to find their wife in bed with another man, he was so shocked and angry he savagely killed them and the whole thing drove his mind into insanity. Though it's not just events like these that can drive someone off the rails, it could something so simple like finding a coffee stain on a table and no matter how hard you try to clean it you can't get of it. Or to find that their child hasn't done the dishes yet even though they were told to do them fifteen times. Or maybe they were baking a cake and realized they had forgotten to get a key ingredient. All it takes is one little thing. One thing.

After her interview with the doctor she was taken back to her room where she waited till lunch, she didn't like her room it was too dull and badly needed colour, she'd have to ask about designing the room too, if Riddler could have filers in his cell and have painted green question marks on the walls then Filly could get some notebooks and red paint.

For lunch she was taken back to the staff cafeteria and was given a turkey, lettuce and cucumber sandwich which wasn't half bad and orange juice; being there gave her time to think. She needed a good look to make her stand out. The Joker had his purple suit, Penguin had his top hat, dark suit and endless umbrella collection and Catwoman had her whip and skin tight black latex outfit, what could she pull off. Filly had always imagined herself in a suit, even though she thought the outfits for the female villains were hot, but it just wasn't her thing, she felt like she was more casual but stylish. Before she was escorted to the cafeteria she was taken to the shower room to get cleaned up, while drying herself off she noticed a couple of card board boxes hidden away. She dragged them out and opened the lids and inside were clothes. Well she needed new threads.

Filly had but on worn grey converses, short black skinny jeans with chains hanging from it, she put on a red t-shirt with short sleeves and on top of that a black leather jacket. She looked at herself in the mirror and made sure there was no one around and struck a few poses.

"Perfecto" she smiled.

Getting changed back out of her outfit she neatly folded them back up and hid them away, put on her plain clothes and left the showers.

It felt good to feel fresh and clean, the 'nightmare' she had made her feel sticky and un-famine; she was waiting for the chance to ask about getting a book or something but she was approached by a bald doctor and was asked to take part in a group therapy session to see how these certain patients acted around one and other.

She couldn't refuse. She was taken to a room, in its four corners stood guards eyeing everyone in the room. In the centre of the room sitting quietly were six patients sitting on plastic chairs, two females and four males, each of them had their own certain quirks. The two girls had their arms linked together with hair covering most of their faces but Filly could feel their eyes watching every slight move she made. Two of the male patients sat perfectly still but on a couple of occasions their mouths or head would twitch violently and small sounds would escape their lips. The third patient had his hands cuffed and he kept his head down and the final male patient had his elbows propped on his legs, he was rubbing his fingertips together in a steady circular movement, his shiny, greasy black hair covered his eyes but as Filly took her seat his eyes locked on to hers, she had never felt this uncomfortable before in her life. Three chairs remained empty and she wasn't entirely sure who to sit next to but she didn't want to hover for too long so she quickly sat down next to the greasy haired patient and kept her eyes on the ground.

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