Eunhyuk Imagine "Hate Love"

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EunHyuk Imagine ~ Hate Love

I hate her because she's too nice to everyone but me. She's loud, her appearance isn't attracting, she's too serious at some points, she complains for over the littlest things ever. I sometimes just can't stand her! My ears are really in pain when she's talking, it's like someone blasting unpleasant music at top volume right next to my ears. It makes me cover my ears all the time! Sometimes I prefer to just cut my ears off and go deaf than to hear her speak another word. My eyes are scarred! Why? Because she puts on way too much make up all the time! She needs to learn how to put on make up or at least let someone else do it for her.. she makes it so.. Gosh my eyes are burning! There's a fire within my eyes when I see her! When I say a joke or just pull a prank on her, she goes madly insane! It's like trying to pet a dog in the streets but it come chasing after me, trying to attack me. She would hit me or slap me and start shouting with her loudness again. Off she goes with her complaining that lasts for minutes! This is driving me crazy! This is just the beginning of why I hate her..

~My Point of View aka Readers Point of View~
Eunhyuk? Every time someone mentions his names, I just want to really go deaf so I won't hear anything. When I know he's near, I just wish I had the power to teleport and disappear to a place where he's not there. He's literally a prankster. Once he told me my dad was here to visit me, so I followed him, thinking he was telling the truth. He stops and all I see is him and Donghae dressed as an old man.. Donghae came to hug me, saying, "Ah my beautiful sunshine, daddy I misses you."
        "Yah!" I snapped at him. Eunhyuk then hugged me and getting on my nerves.
        "Sunshine, my sunshine, daddy misses you so much." Eunhyuk says, trying to act like a dad.
        "My dad is so much more handsome than you two! Stop playing with me, I don't have time for you too!" I shouted.
        "Stop being so loud all the time.. I'll go deaf soon because of you, okay.." Eunhyuk complained.
        Aish.. I'm going crazy just thinking about those two! But seriously Eunhyuk is most annoying because DongHae at least says sorry..
        DongHae suddenly hits me on the shoulders and scolds me, "Yah (YourName) do you always wear these bracelets and rings? Can't you wear something else?"
        "Is that a crime to wear this?" I questioned him with my innocent eyes.
        "Do you ever realize that you're always matching with Eunhyuk? Same bracelets everyday, same phone case, same shoes four times a week, same color shirt every other day.. Yah do you think I'm dumb? What's going on between the two of you? You always say you hate him, do you two secretly text each other, deciding what to wear?" Donghae questions me.
        He glares at me, demanding for an answer right away. His glare creeps me out.. but I find it cute in a way. Is he jealous? Does he stalk me or something? How does he know... and disgusting! How can I be possibly matching clothes with that prankster.. he has no sense of fashion or style! Oh... isn't that just an insult to myself then if I really match clothes with him? Oh no.. people must be thinking that we're dating.. Could they possibly be thinking that when we match clothes, we're wearing "our couple" bracelets, accessories, and clothes? Aish! I'm really going crazy right now! I push Donghae out the way and look for Eunhyuk. As I push Donghae out the way, I see Eunhyuk just a few steps behind Donghae. Did he listen to our conversation? Aish! I'm going crazy right now.. is this another prank?! Whenever I see these two, something is up! What's up this time?
        Eunhyuk grabs me by the arms and pulls me in for a hug. He tightens the hug every time I try to escape his embrace.
        "Yah! Let go of me!" I commanded. I kicked him on the leg but it didn't loosen his embrace. I try every way to get him away but it didn't work. He stayed silent the whole time and I eventually gave up because I was out of breathe.
        "Finally.. I have something to confess to you (YourName). Listen and I'll let you go, okay? It won't take long." Eunhyuk says seriously. It's so unusual of him to speak from his inner feelings, he's always jokes around when he speaks to me.
        "You may be the loudest girl ever, you may always be complaining and serious at times, and you may not be so attracting when you wear make up, but there's something about you that gets me thinking about you all the time. I'm hugging you right now, you can hear my heart beat right? I'm so shy right now, I realize my feelings for you is true. I prefer to fall for you without knowing the reason why. It could be your smile or something, I don't know, but I find myself thinking of you every night, making a wish every night, hoping that I can be with you. I confess my hate somehow turned to love for you." Eunhyuk confesses. He kisses me on the top of my head. I always thought I hated him and he hated me but after he confessed, I was left speechless. I never thought he'd say so kind words to me and neither did I ever think he'd confess to me that he has some feelings for me. My mind pondered until I realized my hands, at their own will, wrapped around Eunhyuk, hugging him back.
        "Couple bracelets? Haha I guess we're meant to be. I always thought I hated you, I always tried to annoy you, but maybe it was because I already fell for you. Maybe because I thought it was adorable when you yell at me and when you get upset. I don't know but I just know I love you." Eunhyuk declares.
        I smile at him. My heart suddenly beats really fast as Eunhyuk leans in to kiss me. Am I really ready to kiss him? I close my eyes as his lips touched mine. I kissed him back. It was a slow, romantic kiss. My hands tangled into his hair as his wrapped around my waist. Eunhyuk, you always point out the bad part of me and I hate it when you do that! But I can forgive you because I love you.

~The End~

Happy Birthday to Eunhyuk! Happy happy birthday *Kiss* haha I hope he has a beautiful birthday and stays healthy and happy! ~Wrote this on his birthday. I know someone or many of you will read this when it's past his birthday so that is why I wrote "Wrote this on his birthday" ~

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