Henry Imagine Titled "I'll Be Who You Need Me To Me

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Henry Imagine ~ I'll Be Who You Need Me To Be

~Henry's Point of View~

I knew she was going today at around 8 in the morning, and so I threw a paper in front of her, asking her would she prefer a bad boy or a gentlemen who would always be dressed elegantly. She raised up one finger, indicating her answer was a bad boy.. I didn't understand why, but a smile formed at the corner of my mouth. I ran, chasing after her, as I carried my snapback hat and denim jacket in my hands. I took her hands, and pulled her to a shop nearby, i hid my smile, and pretended it wasn't much of a deal to finally be with her. Without her consent or choice, I took her into a coffee shop that was around the corner. She gave me an awkward look, indicating she didn't really like this place. Bad boys wouldn't ask her if she wanted to go to another place.. "You'll like it here, you'll adapt to it.." I whispered. She got up, grabbed her purse, shook her head at me, and left. I was left there thinking what might I have done wrong.. "Is a bad boy not what she wants?" I thought.

I ran out the coffee shop, and grabbed her hands. "Is a good boy you need? Tell me, I can be whoever you need me to be."

"A good boy.." She whispered.

"Wait for me. I'll be back, I promise." I jabbered.

I ran home, changed in to a white buttoned up shirt, with a vest, suit pants, and dress shoes, and fixed my hair with hair gel. I smiled, as I ran to the store a flew blocks from my house to buy a bouquet of flowers. I saw her there waiting for me as I've requested, a good boy was she needs.. "Henry, you've done it!" I whispered to myself.

I tapped her, and as she turned, I smiled at her with the bouquet of flowers in my hands. I imagined she'd be in shock and blush, but she gave me a straight face, and didn't accept the flowers. My smile slowly turned into a straight face as well. She forced a smile, and walked off.

"What was I doing wrong?!" I thought to myself with frustration. Everyone stared at me with a smile, but I only wish it would (YourName) who would smile at me like that.. why is it everyone but her?! The moment I got home, I lied down on my bed and sighed. "Who do I have to be for her to accept me?"

The door bell rang, but no one was at the door, but a note. I picked it up, and read, "Just be yourself (: ~(YourName)"

A smile slowly formed as I read the note to myself three times, but the more I read it, the more my smile faded. "What does she mean to be myself? I've been myself for months and she has never even paid any attention to me.." I thought.

As time passed, I decided to put on what would seem comfortable; a white t-shirt, jeans and a sweatshirt. I made two sandwiches, and packed them in a box with fruits and snacks. I waited at the stairs, hoping she'd pass by. It was almost lunch.. but I still continued to sit there and look at my watch. She coughed as she passed by me, signaling me that she was here. I sprang up off the stairs and to her side. "Would you like to have a picnic with me for lunch? I've prepared sandwiches for us." I said with a smile.

She nodded with a shy smile. As we were walking towards the park, my hands slowly got closer to hers, until our hands entwined with each others. By the time we got to the park, I realized I forgot to get the blanket.. I panicked and paused for a moment, then took off my sweatshirt and placed it on the grass for her to sit on. I smiled, and sat on the grass next to her.

We ate as we had a conversation, it was the most I've ever talked with her. I would consider it our first date! I smiled the most in times when there was silence because I realized how lucky I am to be with her. I slowly leaned in to kiss her cheeks, and held her hands in mine. I sang for her a song I always wanted to since the moment I saw her months ago.

~The End~

This entire imagine is in Henry's Point of View

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