DongHae Imagine Titled "Fallen Angel"

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Lee DongHae Imagine ~ Fallen Angel

~DongHae's Point of View~

I chased after her, who always fluttered my heart, and did my best to pull out my heart so that she could see just how much love I have for her. She flinched away from me, keeping distance between the two of us. It turned awkward; she gave me a 'who the hell are you' look, and so I hesitated and kept silent, letting her leave me, letting us drift apart through every step of hers. I came forth to realize the silliness that was inside of me. Should I be distressed over the fact that from midnight to sunrise, I spent my every hour planning for something special for the two of us, but she wouldn't even give me ten seconds of her life to acknowledge my existence? I, too, turned my back towards hers, and walked in the opposite direction. Am I suppose to shed tears or acknowledge the fact that she and I will never be one? What have I possibly done wrong in my past to receive such attitude?

I dropped my head, and just almost dragging myself across the street. With one little push, I fell to the floor both internally and externally. I had no eagerness to get back up, and so therefore I stayed lying on the cold concrete floor thinking. Was I causing traffic? But I didn't even care anyways.. I was innocent like these passing cars who just want to head to their destination with happiness, but yet there had to be someone who stops me from being in the place where I should be, by her side..

(YourName) lifted me up, and I just leaned on her; she's my support, and I wouldn't even know where I'd be without her. I'd probably be left there for people to roll over my body, as if it was okay for the whole world to hurt me.

~My Point of View~

"How did it go? Was our plan we made yesterday bring accomplishments?" I asked with excitement, but I figured it was inappropriate for me to feel all elated. I lowered my face, and covered my smile. I had no choice, because it was impossible to not be upbeat when he's around, but for him, I had to.

"You alright?" I questioned. "You're worrying me a lot. Say a word, speak to me."

I held him in my arms, and squeezed him tight to keep my tears from falling down my cheeks, but it was useless, and so I buried my face in his chest so he wouldn't see my teary face. I only managed to keep my feelings somewhat calm, so that my voice would seem calm. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just know that you have me to always be here for you. Remember to smile, because you deserve to see yourself smile and be happy. You should be proud of yourself, that for someone, you're willing to do anything for them. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're the most angelic person to me ever, and I know you've done nothing wrong." I said, hoping he'd be comforted just a bit. "I love you... DongHae.." I whispered as my voice became softer and softer.

"Would you give me some time alone to think everything through? I appreciate everything you're doing for me, but I just.." He said effortlessly.

I left him without another word, did it get awkward because I couldn't keep a hold of myself from telling him I love him? Love has to occur in chains, don't they? The guy would love a girl, but the girl loves another guy, and that other guy loves another girl.. and it'll just go on and on forever. Slowly my tears came more frequently at the thought that I couldn't help him at all; I couldn't give him the support and love he needs so that he'd be in less pain, and I planned out something for him to confess to the girl that didn't even go as planned.. if I'm not useless to him, then what am I? I ran home in tears, in search for my cousin, who always comforts me in any given situation. I hugged her the moment I saw, as I bursted into tears. My tears would seem like it would be drops of water from a heavy rain for any small living creatures. After a while, I was able to calm myself down a bit as I took in deep breathes and trying to hold in my tears.

"I couldn't do a single thing to make him smile just even a bit.. he was in pain, in so much pain, it hurt so much. He almost got rolled over by a car in the streets because he had no effort in anything after being rejected from his crush..." I blurted out with so much pain in my chest. It had to be the first thing that came out my mouth because it was every reason to why I'm crying.

~DongHae's Point of View~

I headed to (YourName)'s house to let her know I was doing much better, and just needed a talk. As I walked up the stairs, I heard sounds of cries. I stood at her room's door, and without any intentions, I overheard things that were like icicles that stung my heart.

"We made a plan together so that he could make his crush happy.. but it turned out to be a failure. I tried comforting him, it was also a failure. In everything I do with so much heart, why can't I seem to be able to help him? I feel so useless, I feel like it's right for him not to love me back.. I can't do anything for him. Why couldn't that girl accept him? He's perfect in every way, he's the most caring, sweet, talented, and angelic person I'll ever meet on Earth." She cried. "I said I love him at first.. and he just told me he needed time alone.. we'll never be together.. but I'm so thankful for every moment we had together when we were close, things will be awkward, but I miss the times when we could just hug each other out of the odds.. his embrace made me feel like that was the safest place to be in.."

I had a sudden flashback of the times when I'd always mention my crush in front of (YourName) and how I said I'd get her to be my girlfriend one day.. How painful must it been to hear me speak of my crush of front of you (YourName)? I'm sorry.. I hurt you one time after the other without even realizing, yet you still are by my side to support me and still calling me an angel.. how are you this silly? And why am I so late to realize everything you've done for me? Why did I only see my feelings for you as a love for friends? I was blind to realize that my heart beat raced faster and faster in your presence..

I was in tears.. for the very first time in years. I'd want you in my arms, but I don't know how to without you knowing I overheard everything. Please teach me how to ease your heart?

I gave her a call, as we both talked in tears.

"Why are you so silly? Why do you assume that we'd never be together anymore? I honestly didn't hear you say you loved me at first.. I was so into my own world.. I'm sorry I hurt you for so long, yet you're still here. Would you come out? I'm outside your room, I want you to be in my arms, I don't want to hurt you anymore, and neither to I want to continue to lie to myself that I don't have even the tiniest bit of feeling for you.." I said.

She walked out after a minute, as she dried her tears with her sleeves. I gently pulled her arms away from her face, and wiped her tears for her. I wrapped my arms around her, and squeezed her tight.

"I'll never leave you ever.." I whispered.

I was clear now that I could leave any women on this Earth just not (YourName).

~The End~

It's so sad that DongHae is going for two years now! :( He'll be back in 2017, and I already miss him!!!

Happy birthday my dear DongHae!! I hope you celebrated it well in Korea yesterday! ~ I will continue to celebrate your birthday where I am, because it's still your birthday here~ Please be safe! I love you DongHae!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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