KiBum Imagine "Love Isn't A Competition"

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KiBum Imagine Titled "Love Isn't A Competition"

I took a deep breathe, as I walked out my front door. It was a brand new day, and that means another start, so even if yesterday was tough, I'd smile because today is not yesterday. And the me from yesterday is not the same as the me from today. I bumped into a girl named Sophie, and I never really got along with her, but it seemed that we were heading to the same location, to SM Ent. She gave me a "Oh it's you again" look, and rolled her eyes at me. I smiled to her anyways, because I'm guessing she's heading there to start being a trainee there.

We arrived there, and still seemed to be going to the same location. KiBum stared at us, as she screamed his name. He covered her mouth to keep her quiet, while I stood next to them, and watching them making so much physical contact, such as hugging. I sighed, it's another one of those days where I have "compete" with her over someone.

"Hey, could you run downstairs to get me a drink? Water would be fine." He asked me, as he looked towards my direction. "Ah I'm sorry that the first thing I say to you is somewhat a command." He scratches his head, and has hesitant smile on his face.
I gave him a smile, and gave him a look to let him know that it's okay, because I wouldn't mind doing anything for him. Of course Sophie wanted to spend time with KiBum, but she always tries to compete with me in every little thing. She runs, as if she's racing against me, to get the water.

I walked downstairs to get the water for him, and I understood that all that practice, he would need it cold, so I got one from the refrigerator, while I saw Sophie heading to another room. By the time I reached to the second floor, Sophie was already there with KiBum. I saw the unpleasant look in his face, because what he really wanted was cold water even when he didn't specifically say it. I smiled because I felt special to understand what he really needed without further explanation.

KiBum smiled at me, as he took the cold water from me. Though I could do these little things for him, I might not be able to be the one spending so much time with him. I'm tired of Sophie, because she.. I don't even know what I can say, she's just always trying to prove she's better than me. I understand she loves him as much as I do, or even more, but that doesn't mean I don't love him either. I want to spend time with him as well, but I guess there's no room for me. KiBum isn't the person to choose someone to be his partner depending on whether if they do something right or not. KiBum is thankful for everything anyone does for him, so there's no doubt he must feel thankful because he has Sophie by his side. I think I'll just visit him some other time, because I don't want to be the one that looks like the third wheel.
KiBum grabbed my hands before I could leave, and hugged me very tight. Even after minutes, he didn't let me go and didn't say a word to me. Sophie, who was jealous, kept whining from behind.

"Sophie is like my sister. I don't want you two to keep fighting anymore. I understand you're shy (YourName), but that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean you've lost, because there's no competition to win or lose. I know both of you are considerate, both thinking ahead for me. Like Sophie, you rushed to get water for me, knowing I needed as fast as possible, but (YourName), you also thought more than needed for me as well, to know that I preferred cold water after practice. Treating me better than each other, doesn't mean that you love me more than the other person. Love is not to be compared, don't make it seem like it's a contest." KiBum explained suddenly.

Sophie pulls KiBum away from me, and hugs him herself. To her, everything has to fair or everything is better for her. KiBum pulled away without being rude, and finally spoke of what he felt sincerely.

"Sophie, it's not wrong to hug each other, but I don't want you to feel like everything has to be fair. I love you, you're so sweet, and I can't imagine living without you. You're like my sister, as I've explained. You see.. but it feels really weird to hug you like this in this moment, because hugging someone else in front of the person you love doesn't seem to right. I don't have to explain any further right?" He says, as he blushes, and scratches his head.

Sophie left without a word, and I felt terrible. I grabbed her arms, before she was out of sight. I gave her a hug, because I understand that that's what she needed at the moment. "I'm sorry.." I whispered to her. She smiled at me, and confessed, "Don't be sorry, honestly I never liked KiBum as much as you do. I do have feelings for him, but my main goal seems to be just making life harder for you, because I guess I felt jealous that you're always so sweet. I don't know what I was thinking, but thank you for helping me realize what I should be doing instead of what I am doing now."

KiBum patted her on the shoulders, as in a thank you for making it easier for all of us. KiBum took your hands in his, as he started blushing.

"I didn't expect that I would be confessing to you like that, but.." He mumbled softly, but loud enough to be heard.

I giggled, as I kissed him on the cheeks. He raised his voice, saying, "I love you (YourName)!"
I covered his mouth to keep him quiet, and we ended up laughing louder after each passing second. He hugged me tight, and kissed the top of my head.

~The End~

Note: I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about writing an imagine for KiBum, due to a lot of stress from school. I know his birthday was on Friday, but as I've explained, I didn't have the time due to stress. Please deal with me as of the time being, because school has started. Also as I'm writing this, it's YeSung's birthday!! Happy Birthday to our YeSung!! I will write a YeSung imagine after this one! So please deal with me again, for as I take a pretty long time to write an imagine.

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